Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Spare Time


I had some extra time so I thought I would write some more.

Ken is experiencing some issues. He had a nasty headache last night and this morning. The headache last night was preceded by some vision problems. He had some random blind spots. He didn’t say that it felt like tunnel vision, just almost like a bright light in spots. It was really freaky. It would last a few minutes, then go away, then come back elsewhere.

He seems more cranky and tired lately, which leads me to believe that he isn’t sleeping enough. He also has been a little stressed about what happened with his dad, so I am wondering if just that coupled with the nightly sleep interruptions from Dax needing help with his covers to the cats wanting in and out of their bedroom have caused Ken to just be exhausted.

Ken has a doctor appt tomorrow, so hopefully that will give him some answers. We also are going to work on Dax’s bed tonight to make his covers easier for him to do himself. The other plan is to put a cat door in the boys room so that Ittles and Monarch don’t feel the need to scratch at the door when they decide it is time to go in or out.

Work stress is ramping up. I am now covering Jean’s desk. It was worse yesterday since I had my monthly reports to complete while also covering her new accounts. Thankfully I was not only able to do both, I actually did things in record time! I fucking rock!

Today, I am in a holding pattern since most of these new accounts need VP approval, and I have a feeling he is on a plane all day since a lot of management is in route to this sales meeting (the wonderful reason my boss is gone till Friday). My guess is when I get in tomorrow morning, I will have several approvals in my email which means I can start to enter these into the system.

I am still nervous about the rain. The weather reports are holding firm on there being rain, and currently I have no back up plan. I can probably improvise with games for the kids to play, but the bouncer is what I am most concerned about. I personally don’t care if my kids play in the bounce house while it is pouring. I don’t know how other parents feel.

Tonight I am going to take the boys to my folks so that Ken can have some more rest this afternoon. I can instruct him how to prep dinner so that all I have to do when I get home is a small amount of work.

Stephanie got me some Echinacea and Goldenseal. I took my first pill this morning. I will take another this afternoon. She swears by it.

I have noted the quantity of black and hot pink stars in my life. I am wondering if that should be the color of the star instead of red. I kind of like this one on my bear. Hmmm….

We are at work discussing wonderful treasures at Trader Joe’s. I don’t tend to shop there much, if at all. I got some teriyaki chicken that my parents have been telling me about for months. Holy fuck it was num! I will go back for that, for sure. I also noted some cool flat breads and other items I would like to try. I will need to go when it isn’t so crowded and maybe less Brenan in tow. I might take Bobby since he has the cooking spark. He and I can find some cool new things for dinner. I also have this desire for some veggies, which I know, is shocking, but I feel really inspired to eat some of it, so I am thinking they would have some good stuff.

I can safely say, though, I will not get milk from there. Papa Brenan used to get it when we lived at the apt and it was NASTY! LOL!! I don’t foresee Trader Joe’s becoming a staple in terms of every grocery expedition, but perhaps once every couple of weeks I can go try some things from there.

Maybe I need a rubber duckie with hot pink hair and a star on its side.

I hate it when people can’t think for themselves. Sigh.

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