Friday, February 25, 2011

My kids could be stars!


Holy crap! Just holy fucking crap!

They want to film my boys for the show!

Holy crap!

Look, I want to be clear. I know my kids are funny. Trust me, I laugh a lot more in life thanks to them. That being said, I also pull out my hair more because of them. Just as I know not everyone sees the demons in them, I don’t think that everyone sees the same funny and cute little boys I see. So for people on this show to rave about them for 10 minutes on the phone, even before her making arrangements for filming, just seems surreal.

She told me that she loved how animated they were, not only apart, but together. She wants to film them at this park where they can stomp around in the rain and puddles and mud. She thinks they will be in their element with that. I think I agree! So after Bobby’s party, we go to the park at 2 and they are on. It will be an experience, that is for sure.

I have just emailed the bouncer people and canceled it. With the rain coming, and not wavering on the forecast, it appears that I should have done the bounce place. LOL! No worries. We only have these kids for 2 hours. We are going to put Star Wars on, dump out some Lego and let the kids just play inside. We are even considering renting the bouncer another time and have Bobby invite his friends again for an extended play date in a few weeks. These kids are only 5 and 6, so really, it won’t be too hard to entertain them.

Ken did a lot of the preliminary cleaning yesterday, despite the cold that has taken hold of him. He didn’t see the doc yesterday since she also called out sick. This sick has everyone.

When I get home today, I will do some of the cleaning of the weekly clutter. Should not be too bad, actually. Then, I will take the boys to my folks where they will get to do the birthday boxes. Then it is the crazy Costco run. I will start to stress tonight is my guess. I feel like I have not planned enough for this party.

I will feel much better Saturday night. I will be done with party madness and tv shock. I will sleep well tomorrow night. LOL! Sunday, we are heading out to Grammie’s to celebrate her birthday, which is today, and see her new place. That I suppose could be considered stressful, but I think it will be fun.

Work is supposed to be crazy today. At any minutes, approvals for these new accounts will start to flow in. I am scared. But luckily, it is Friday, and the day will fly.

We spoke to Papa Brenan last night on the video chat. He looked tired. He seemed to indicate sleep has not been great. He isn’t doing the exercises he is supposed to do. We sent him the Suduku books, and he is very excited because we made sure they were large print. The one concern her seems to have is his ability to write. I guess he is still so shaky, it is difficult. On Sunday, Andy and Ken are going to get some online card games ready since Papa Brenan did love the idea of the three of them playing online once a week and being able to chit chat.

Bobby got Nerf guns for his birthday. Holy fuck, those are fun. Bobby got one from Grandma and Grandpa and one from us. Dax got one of each, too. We shot each other out front for a while yesterday, which was a great deal of fun. The ones we got have Velcro on the darts, which makes them stick to you. SO fun!

We took Bobby to Toys R Us to get his crown and free balloon. That is always cool. We picked up an umbrella for him, too, which is perfect timing! I will take both his and Dax’s tonight, which they will love. We also picked up a couple of Power Ranger action figures, which I will bust out on Sunday at Grammie’s. I was good, too since there were like a million wonderful dinosaur toys and tiger stuff I wanted to get them. Man, I love those boys.

Ken took cupcakes to Bobby’s class yesterday. We showed up to pick him up in the afternoon and Mrs Fasheh let us in early so we could hang with the class. It is a nice set of kids. I will enjoy getting to know them more as Bobby grows up with them. They all said hello and some even knew Dax! I loved that.

I need to make a Costco list. I am going to get Lycos a new dog bed, too. She has taken to sleeping in her old basket spot. We had a comforter down, but Ken would really like to use it since he gets so cold at night. Plus, they have nice ones at Costco for $20. And it will look cool. Luna doesn’t seem to care for those, and she is still in crate training mode. I want to build a box around the pans, and then she can have nighttime privileges. But she still is in puppy mode in some of the destruction in general. Although, she has gotten gobs and gobs better. She even likes her crate, going in there just cause and using it as a nice dog house. She doesn’t like her blanket in there, seeming to prefer just crate. So we will see.

Ok, I should start prepping for work.

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