Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The theme today seems to be Bleah


Happy Birthday, Stephanie!!!!!

I am back with the living today. I slept a lot yesterday. I was so beat. I got to work and realized I just needed some rest. So I went home, crawled back into bed at like 6 and didn’t get up till 10. It was nice. I really needed it.

After I got up, I opted to pick up Dax for Ken since Ken was in the midst of spackle and paint in the bathroom. Dax and I then went to Target. He had indicated that although he liked the Valentine we got him (which consisted of a Thomas train and some candy), he would have preferred a singing stuffed critter, like what Bobby got in the form of an obnoxious tiger singing about Reese’s peanut butter cups. So I told him that we could go to Target and look at the clearance items to help him out.

Of course, we went through the animals and he was pretty indifferent until we found another tiger. Sigh. The kid was excited. What was I to do? Now I get to endure two of these tigers.

I got a little something for myself. I found this strange little knit doll that I fell deeply in love with. It didn’t have a tag nor any others near it. On its back was a sticky clear piece of plastic that could help it stick to something. I put it on my purse after examining it for any evidence of security tags. The doll now resides in my car (or at least until I find a good place for it), having come to me free of charge due to my shoplifting. Dax didn’t see me do it, btw. I was discreet across the board. I am so bad.

Yay rain and cold! I do hope it doesn’t stay too long as I need to have a backyard ready to accept 20 kids. Bobby handed out his invites yesterday. I hope he gets a good turn out if only so he feels good. I found these little inflatable light up light sabers I think I will get as the goody bag. I am nervous about this whole thing, but it should be ok.

I have been drinking water to the point where I now feel too full. Grrr…I hate that.

Ok, bad coughing fit. Almost threw up. Still feel nauseous. This is how I felt all last night. My stomach doesn’t hurt, I just feel like throwing up. Bleah.

Fred just tells me how it sucks being a sick mom since even though you want to hug and kiss the kids, you don’t want them getting sick. I pointed out that they are the ones who usually give it to me, so pay back is a bitch. He told me I am one tough mom. LOL!!

Stupid hair color is fading. The hair near my forehead is browning. I need to do my hair again. I actually am considering having it bleached and then colored so it stays longer. I might even bust out some Manic Panic. Hot pink, baby!

The wave of sick I just had has left me sleepy again. I would have tea or coffee, but I think that it would make me feel worse. I feel so full since I just downed a crap load of water.

Finally, something I taught the boys before Kindergarten has paid off. This week’s homework includes practicing their phone number and memorizing it. YAY! He already knows it, including area code. I fucking rule. He also knows his address. Suck it public school! Ok, that might be a bit extreme, but you understand. Bobby has been practicing dialing my number, which is fun. He really enjoys being able to do it. He also got to answer the phone a couple of times. Specifically when my brother calls my parents’ house to say he is on his way home (our cue to leave), the boys have been taking turns answering. It is really cute. It is strange, though, since that is really the only place they do it. I mean, at our house, we don’t have our house phone as much. In fact, we seem to have misplaced the actual phone and it keeps ringing, but we can’t even hear the ring or answer it. We should probably fix that. But in this day and age, really, people only call my cell. I need to teach the kid how to use that instead of the actually phone. Very strange.

Speaking of school work, Bobby colored another word stripe on his rainbow. He accomplished this on Monday, the same day I was ready to start to stress on his progress. LOL! We did practice some spelling as indicated by his teacher. He actually does quite well. I was impressed! My boy isn’t an idiot. LOL!!

I think tonight I will prep some chicken noodle soup to slow cook tomorrow so that tomorrow night I get my homemade soup. Mmmmm…..soup.

Dax is now overly excited about St. Patrick’s day. The boys were asked to wear red on Monday since it was Valentine’s Day. This was happy making for Bobby since red is his favorite color. I told Dax that in a month, there is a wear green day. He about fell over with excitement. Yes, I have an Irish son who loves green. Sweet! So every day he has asked me if St Patrick’s Day is tomorrow. I pointed out he can wear green until then, but he really wants the green day to happen soon. I picked up a tiara and cool socks for the day, so he is even more excited about it. I think green food is in order that day. If only they would eat green eggs and ham.

It is hot in this fucking office. I hate that. Especially since I am rockin my awesome knee high knit socks.

Ken posted the first “Yes” RSVP to Bobby’s party. Awesome! Welcome, Jorge!

My stress period starts a week from today. Jean will be out for 6 weeks. No one in management has offered to help me out. Thankfully, all of the collectors have been more than generous in their offers to help me out. I suppose it is good that I have always helped them. Still, it frustrates me that I have not been offered assistance from my own manager. On the plus side, he did hear me out on some changes, and they are looking into implementing them. Woo hoo!

I suppose I should do some work. I have to gather data for this meeting. Bleah.

1 comment:

Teresa said...

Pei pa koa is pretty decent cough medicine (from herbal as I remembered), great non alcoholic medicine, some western cough medicine are more effective, but this is non drowsy.

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