Wednesday, February 9, 2011

What's a Beiber?


I am tired. I am sleepy. I hate colds.

I was up a great deal of the night, tossing and turning. It drove me nuts. I couldn’t get comfortable. My nose and throat were battling against one another and I was the battlefield.

I know I slept at one point because I had this funky dream. I was in school. I was in some special class. There was some kind of alarm and all of the students had to race to the cafeteria. I remember running, with kids behind me, in some kind of funky bad tween chase sequence. I slid between walls and under tables. It was not realistic in any sense, but I made it there first. I was cheered for heavily, with one of my loudest supporters being Justin Beiber. He even led the school in a chant of name after he delivered this rousing speech about how I was the coolest ever and that he hoped to be like me when he grew up. I was confused at the praise since even I knew my getting there first made no sense.

There was some kind of party at this point. I know that when I left to go home, I forgot to look under my place mat and I forgot to take home my centerpiece. I lived with my folks. I got home briefly, where they congratulated me. I then told them I had to head out as my public awaited me. I remember saying it and knowing it was as if I was reading some kind of a script. It was odd.

I went outside and crawled into this modified golf cart that looked like it had wanted to be a cool Jeep but just wasn’t. Yet it was supposed to be a kick ass car, and people felt this way about it. It was all very surreal. It was if I was disenchanted at the idea of being popular.

Yesterday I was able to hunt down even more pennies for Bobby’s project. Of course, the full instructions came in and they really only need back to like 1998 or something lame like that. She will just have to deal with the fact that I now have back to the 50’s. So suck it.

I need to go to Target. I seem to have lost my sunglasses, which means I have been rockin Dax’s. Amusingly enough, his fit me just fine. I also need some shampoo and Q-Tips. Perhaps this afternoon we will head over there.

My temp bunk mate is getting a bit too chatty. She is only here today and tomorrow, so I only have to deal with her for a little while longer. I am certainly counting down the hours.

I thought I would look into this Torrance dog training that was advertised at Wilson Park. Holy fuck! It is $50 a session, with the full course being 10 weeks. Dude. $500? I could do it myself. I just thought is would be a fun thing for her and I to do together. I was even willing to over look the 7:30 start time. But $500??

It looks like I have to miss the parenting class tomorrow. I have a doc appt, a follow up for my crazy pills. I see someone new, so I will be curious if they think I still warrant the pills or what. So this means on Friday, I am leaving here at 10:30ish, and will be gone the rest of the day. It should be no problem to do that, but I don’t want to be out both days.

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