Monday, February 28, 2011

What a weekend


Phew! I just slammed through a crap load of accounts. I have been working almost non stop for 5 hours straight. Woo!

My weekend was crazy, as to be expected.

Friday night, the rain came, and we made sure the bounce house was canceled. It was a real piss off when I woke up Saturday morning to the sun shinning in my window and birds chirping like some bright spring day. Fuck.

Thankfully they were able to un-cancel the bouncer and the kids had happiness in the form of a giant inflated castle.

It was a small turn out in terms of his classmates, but this was expected. Truly, I think Bobby was just happy for the few he had there. If my count is right, we had like 9 kids, which is a good number.

It was a quick party, especially since we had to run out quickly to get to the shoot. Thankfully, the traffic was light and we got there around the same time the crew did. We were worried since both boys were pooped. Dax slept on the way, and Bobby was in a daze.

Ken and the boys along with the director and the other people headed out to the field where they would film. I stayed behind to fill out paperwork. It was funny since they presented me with two work permits in the entertainment field. The lady was all apologetic since some coffee spilled on them. I didn’t care since this wasn’t like paperwork that mattered to me. They seemed confused and when I pointed out this was not something we normally a party of, they looked at me like I was from another planet. Entertainment folks are interesting.

Since it didn’t rain, the backup plan was to have them play catch. And not just catch with some big ball. They got them baseball gloves and baseballs. Mind you, these boys have never seen a baseball game. They don’t know much about it aside from the ball and being able to hit it with a bat. After that? They out. So when they started asking them questions about baseball, they were lost.

Dax kept yawning, and seemed bored, which actually amused the folks more.

The session turned into big brother Bobby showing little brother Dax how to throw a ball back and forth. They filmed about 90 minutes of footage, which they will edit down to like 3 minutes is my guess. They were pleased, even though we knew the poor darlings were so tired and not their normal perky selves.

No Heidi Klum, but that is cool. Hell, if they can just be on the show, I think it will be fun and something cool to look back at some day.

We got home from that, and we told the boys to go ahead and take advantage of the bounce house. They went and got their friend Anthony and he came down to play, too. They had a grand time.

Luna loves her some bounce house. Too bad she is so big. She ran over the boys a few times and they were done. She loves the slide.

Poor Dax over partied. While he was in the bathtub, he screamed out that he had to throw up. I managed to get to him, get him in front of the toilet and he threw up in there. It was forceful. I mean, the kid had his whole head in the bowl, yet it still squirted out the sides. Poor kid. He had two sessions of vomit, both I fielded and did so quite well if I do say so myself. I even kept it off of me and his fresh jammies. Phew!!!!

Sunday morning Bobby woke us up saying he had to puke. It was just his cough and his desire to be babied slightly since Dax had special treatment the night before. It sucked since I was so freaking tired having had little restful sleep. It was cold enough that I felt stiff and wrong.

We went out to Grammie’s house on Sunday for her birthday celebration. I like her new place. I love the fact that it was designed as a party house. No joke. I guess the peeps next door owned it at some point and they had it just as a party house. It looks like it was designed in the 70’s, so the whole time I kept laughing to myself thinking of the place as the hotbed of crazy folk. Key parties, lines of coke, hell, even porn. I am telling you, I was having way too much fun.

We got home with a very tired household. The boys watched Megamind, and we all just kind of veged out. Ken and I watched the Oscars in bed. I enjoyed the show a lot. Anne Hathaway is adorable, and James Franco seemed so stoned, it was hysterical. I am amused at the hate for the hosts and show I am seeing on the net. It seems as though people are just way to hard on shit like this.

Anyhoo, I am noting that I have work again, so off I go.

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