Friday, February 4, 2011

Miss Luna and Dax's class


I continue to be worried about my pup. She seems perky at times, but her normal self has changed. She might just be in pain, I don’t know. The vet tech seemed to think this is just her still recovering from surgery and that she should be ok soon.

Her cough has lessened. If she runs around a bunch, then she coughs more. It sounds more and more like she has a bad cold. Last night we put a sweater on her, hoping that perhaps it was just that she was colder than normal since they did have to shave her normally fuzzy belly. She eats and drinks ok, but she goes back and forth between looking depressed and looking restless. She normally likes to sit with us while we read to the boys. We really had to coax her in last night.

While we were finishing up reading, she ran out of the room, snagged her giant fluffy bone pillow out of her crate, and brought it into the bedroom. She then took it under the bed with her. She loves sitting under the bed. We assumed it meant she wanted to sleep in there. The boys were thrilled, so we bid the 4 of them goodnight (Ittles usually sleeps the first half of the night in there). After about 20 minutes, Dax got up and let Luna out. He didn’t even come out. This meant that she apparently was not a good roommate.

She sits in her crate, looking defeated. Not sure what that is about. I can’t tell if she is just bummed at the lack of play or if she hurts. I don’t want her to run and play too much since we were told to keep her quiet for the most part for a bit, and she seems to cough more when she runs. Hell, I considered taking her with me to get Bobby, but she started a coughing fit, so I opted against it.

I am hoping it is nothing more than maybe just some kind of minor infection just from maybe being around some other sick pups. Hopefully they can just give me some meds and she will get better. I hate seeing her so sad. She is normally such a happy dog.

Aside from that, my day was good. I got to go to my parenting class, which I actually really enjoy. I like being the cool mom. It is selfish of me, I know, and kind of cocky, but you know what, it is great for my self esteem. We have a lot of discussions about ways to help instill good habits and emotional growth into our kids, and I love it when even the instructor enjoys my examples of things I have done.

I got to tell the Bubba story in class yesterday. I also explained how I pull the sad out of Dax’s ear when he gets upset. I could feel the respect in the room.

My favorite part of the day, though, was getting to work with Dax in the classroom for like 45 minutes. We sat on the rug together, sang some songs, and got to trace Dax on a giant sheet of paper, where Dax and I then proceeded to color and personalize it. So much fun! As a working mom, I don’t always get to do in class activities with the boys. Don’t get me wrong, I am super involved, but it is still wonderful when I get to do more.

By the time I got back from class, got Dax to daycare, and talked to the vet tech, it was after 11. If I went back to work then, I would only be there a couple hours. Sure, I should have gone, but I figured I would take some me time. I settled in on my chair and watched 2 episodes of Parenthood and 2 of 90210. I was happy.

Bobby and I made a chicken pot pie, following this recipe that Brandy had sent to me. It was very easy, and Bobby was amazing help. I had even crockpotted the chicken for a few hours so that the chicken in the pie would be nummy. Bobby helped me season it. He seemed to have a real gift for this. I may be showing him even more recipes.

The only problem with it was that the crust just wasn’t right. Both he and I tried it after it cooked. We loved the chicken. But the crust wasn’t great. It was a real shame. So I told him next time we would work on improving it, which he was quite pleased about.

So instead of pot pie for dinner, the boys got sandwiches, which they were thrilled with, and I had myself a yummy salad. Super green, lot of lettuce that looked more like I picked it from my trees outside. Seriously. I don’t know what it all was, but there were actual leaves in there. I had also grilled up some chicken and used my nummy ginger/sesame light dressing. Holy fuck it was good. Plus, probably one of the more healthy meals I have had in some time. Yay me!

I feel oddly happy right now. Maybe it is because I have yet another freeish weekend ahead of me. Sure, I need to get my ass in gear for Bobby’s birthday party (I think I will work on invites today!), but aside from bowling and going to the park to bowl the boys, we don’t have any real plans. YAY! I think tonight I will drink a bottle of wine and watch a movie with Ken since I can sleep in. YAY!

It was very sweet. We were watching AI last night and we were discussing the bad singers. There were some that we pointed out although it wasn’t like they sucked, it was just that they probably sound better when singing with a recorded song or like when you sing along to the radio. I told Ken that this is when I sound ok. He told me that really, if I got some training, I could be good. He has also told me that I could be one of those background singers. How cool is that????

Have I mentioned how much I adore Kevin Smith?

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