Wednesday, August 31, 2011

good sore


I was able to put on a pair of jeans on that I own that I have not worn in forever. Even though they were still a bit tight, I was just excited to be able to zip them up with no real struggle. I am excited at my progress. I have lost a total of 18 pounds since my adventure has begun. I know that it will not always be this easy, nor will it come off this quickly as I lose more. This is that beginning crap that is nice if only because it inspires me to keep going.

I did my walk yesterday, and then I also worked out on my parents’ Bowflex. I did 5 sets of 3 exercises, with 20 of each of those 3. I am sore. I love it! It wasn’t as exhausting as something like the Wii Fit, but I know it stretched my muscles. I figure I get to do it on Tuesdays each week. I want to keep switching it up each day. I still will do my walks, but my second 30 minutes of exercise each day can be something different each time. One day Wii Fit, one day dancing, one day Bowflex. Hell, I may even mix it up with some other things. We shall see. Perhaps once or twice a week, depending on my busy, I will drive over to Wilson park and walk longer. It will keep me from getting bored.

I just read David Cross’s book “I Drink For A Reason”. Quite interesting and fun. Some of his random is, well, super random, but I still maintain this man is a brilliant dude.

No boss man today. I am quite happy.

My children need to be back in school. They are at each other’s throats.

Two of my babies got adopted. This leaves two more down there. Since the shelter was dumb and only took one kitten’s picture for all 4, I don’t really know who was adopted. I know Smokey was, since there are only girls left. I also know Buddha is left, only because her description still says gray. So I don’t know if Rudy or Kit is left. Today after going with Stephanie, I need to go and look. I need to know. My orange kitty is still there, too. I think I need to find out if Rudy is left, and if she is not, there is a distinct possibility I want the orange one.

Yeah, I know, I don’t NEED any more animals. Doesn’t mean I don’t want them.

Sleep was not my friend last night, so I treated myself to a cup of coffee this morning. I had a very low calorie breakfast of a turkey sandwich with mustard (only a tiny smidge) and no mayo. I figured it was not going to kill me. I just checked my blood sugar, and it is still under 100. I think I am fine. I am also rockin my water.

I will not be able to walk today, but I think I will at least do the Wii Fit tonight. The boys LOVE it when I do that. They like watching the crazy. I have been doing a lot of the running and things like that. It goes by so much quicker with my audience of boys, husband and dogs under foot.

I wonder how many calories I burn when I shake my leg. I do it constantly. Apparently, after some Google searching, it looks like shaking one’s legs is good for some extra calories to be burned. Woo hoo! Who knew my fidgeting was good for me. So is chewing gum. I need to start drinking more of my green tea, too. It has just been too hot to think about tea. Of course, I could always just pour it in my ice and drink it that way.

I think the plan this weekend is to paint the front part of the trim and new wood on the porch. That may take a lot of time, but it needs to be done.

When we go to the Farmer’s Market on Saturday, I want to walk around the park twice. .91 miles is once around. Not enough!

I need a real pedometer.

I have not missed Coke as much as I thought I would. Don’t get me wrong, I do miss it. It just hasn’t been as crucial to me. I also have cut back on milk. I used to have at least a glass a day. I had my first glass of milk last night in like a week. The good news is my heart burn issues have been non- existent, which helps in me feeling the need for it. Plus, I am terrified of my blood sugar shooting through the roof. It is funny that eliminating those items has probably helped me significantly.

I am sad. My big toe nail on my left foot has decided it doesn’t like me anymore. At some point it developed a crack, and when I stubbed it yesterday, I aggravated said crack and it is clear that the reason I still have nail is due to the pretty polish. I had been looking forward to pedicures as a regular outing, but my big toe will not be involved in this for a bit since the break is bad. I even made bad puns like how I was going to set aside cash for my pedicures and call it pedi-cash. Yeah, I said it and no, I will not take it back. I just hope that it grows fast.

For the first time in a long time, I just turned off my fan at my desk. I am actually feeling a bit chilly. I am liking this!

Turns out I was wrong about Dax’s appt. It is not till next Friday. I suppose this is good. It means a little less stress this week.

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