Friday, August 12, 2011

new app


Ken has been using an app he found to keep track of exercise/calories. I downloaded it this morning. Hopefully this will be useful for me as well. Although, it already said that I didn’t exercise enough yesterday, which makes me sad.

Today might be my day off of exercise. I am going out tonight so it means I won’t have a chance to work out. Not a big deal, since I can just do my exercise tomorrow. Besides, as long as I keep doing as much as possible, then I can’t feel bad.

We are going to Cozymels tonight. I already looked up food there and it looks like my lower calorie option is fajitas. Yes, I could technically eat something else, but I want to be good especially today since I have no work out planned.

At this time, we have no idea when Ma and Pa Brenan are heading down. Apparently they decided they were off the hook for coming next week since the roof is done. Ken pointed out that they already planned the visit, and no roof just means more time with grandkids. This didn’t sound tempting to them. They may just be coming for Dax’s birthday. I am mostly fine with this. I told Ma last night that it was very important that they come to Dax’s party, so it sounds like at least that is a go. I am disappointed that they don’t seem jazzed about a week with grandchildren, but there is no point in getting worked up. I can get the kids to guilt them for me.

I am sleepy again this morning. I know it will go away. I just hate this. It is frustrating. I can sleep in tomorrow, so that is cool.

Tomorrow I also have a team meeting to go to. Bobby’s coach has called, so tomorrow Bobby will get his uniform and meet his other team mates. I have not heard from Dax’s coach yet, which worries me. I need to email them tomorrow if I don’t hear from the coach.

We won’t know what classrooms the boys will be in for school until the 29th, which is only a week before school starts.

I am so uninspired to work today. That will make for a long day here. I suppose I should find something to do.

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