Monday, August 1, 2011

weekend was a win!


It was a busy weekend filled with good!

Friday was a little hectic stressful for me at first if only because Ken’s camp clean up took longer than I had hoped. He didn’t get home until close till 5:10, and then he had showed up with his dad and Daniel, and Papa Brenan insisted on trying to chat him up about the garden. I was frustrated since I had assumed Ken wanted to take a shower before we left, and I had been told that Lucille’s gets crowded. Thankfully, we got to the restaurant by 5:30 and it was not crowded at all.

The food was quite tasty. I took home enough for another meal (which just dawned on me was what I wanted to bring for lunch! Oops!) and would be quite happy with going back to the place.

Poor Ken was beat. Cleaning up that much Lego will take it out of ya.

We got to the movie with plenty of time. The crowd there was pretty awesome. It didn’t seem to be filled with a bunch of teens. It was actually mostly people older than us. They were fun and cheered at the right parts, and there were even a couple of funny comments made that made everyone laugh. Even a bad movie can be made better with a good crowd.

Not saying this was bad at all, mind you. I really enjoyed it. It was a little freakier than I had expected, but the story was fun and the cast rocked. You forget how good Harrison Ford can be. He was great. At one point he even did his quirky little smile, which yes, was kind of one of those take you out of the movie moments, but it was awesome coming from him.

I don’t know what to do with Daniel Craig.

He is amazing, mind you. He was perfectly cast for this role and he was kick ass and funny and sweet and just all around cool. But something about him makes me unsure. First off, his piercing blue eyes were super distracting. They looked fake! But I knew they were not. Also, he isn’t standard hot. He is grizzled and looks like he has been around for a long ass time. I am not a James Bond person, but I have to say, I would be curious to see him in the role, now. I think he probably pulls it off quite well.

My darling Olivia was wonderful. I will so leave it at that since she left me speechless.

We pulled up to the house at the exact time that Papa Brenan was dropping off Daniel. Perfect timing!

I went and got the boys in the morning at around 7:30. I truly didn’t expect Papa Brenan at the house so early. We got back around 9 and they were just getting started on the roofing adventures. The boys ended up playing with NB, which gave me my own time to do my own project!

I tackled the bedroom. It often becomes the dumping ground for items cleaned up from every other room in the house. I figure the only people who end up going into our room is Ken and I, and the boys. I don’t worry about some of the clutter. I decided it was time to clean up said clutter!

I was very proud of my progress. I did gobs of laundry, put away the stacks of blankets we had in the room. It made the room so much nicer!

By the time I was done with that, the tree trimming was done and Papa Brenan, Ken and Daniel were now working on the front part of the roof. They pulled down panels from above the porch, and then broke them all up to put in the trash. Bobby was their awesome helper on all of this. He took the mallet and broke down the bigger panels and then put them in the trash. He loved it! It was really cool to have him so involved.

Dax and I helped, but mostly I kept him entertained since he was sad Bobby wasn’t playing with him and he wanted company. He wanted me to shave his head. He really wants to be Aang. I talked him out of it for now. Now, don’t get me wrong. I know it is only hair. I know it will grow back. Honestly, I have no issue whatsoever in helping him out with this quest. The problem is, I worry he will be upset at some point either in the middle of cutting or even after when at which point I can’t fix it. He is kind of impulsive and doesn’t think through his actions.

Our compromise is in the costume we are getting him for Halloween, which is an Aang one. It comes with its very own bald cap complete with Air Bender arrow already on there. I showed him that he could wear that as much as he wanted, but still have his hair. He liked this idea much better.

We all went to bed early in Saturday night since the plan was to get up early for Disneyland. Ken and I were up by 5, and it occurs to Ken that he didn’t check the passes to see if they even worked on Sunday. Turned out, not so much. It would cost $200 to allow the four of us in. Way out of budget right now. Daniel got up right as we figured this out, and thankfully he was ok with us not going. Of course, he could be pissed, but he hid it well. I think we were all just happy to be able to go back to bed for a few hours.

We ended up going to the Discovery Cube instead. It is no Disneyland, but we did have fun. There is a lot of stuff to do there, and there was laughing and good times had.

We left there around 2. There was some talk of going somewhere else, but thankfully we all agreed, it was so time to go home, watch a movie and just relax.

Daniel mostly hung out by himself in his room, which makes sense. I would get tired of us after a while, too. LOL!

The boys played in the pool while I chilled with my kittens. The dogs were thrilled since we hung out with them as well. It was a good evening.

My poor Lycos is looking rough. We are starting to wonder if it is not just hip dysplasia, but something nerve related. I looked it up, and there is some kind of nerve issue in the spinal cord that has been known to effect labs, and those symptoms seem to match her, too, including things like her front leg issues. Either way, it is not curable and it means that across the board, we will need to just make sure Lycos is happy and comfortable. She swam a bit on Saturday. I didn’t let her go more than 15 minutes. Even that was a lot on her. She couldn’t get up the stairs to the pool the rest of the weekend.

MTV is 30 years old today. Wow.

There is no camp this week, so I am hoping that it means Ken can work on things like the kitchen for me. I am also going to set them to work tomorrow on getting the driveway all cleaned up so that Dax’s party doesn’t look like it is taking place in redneck country.

I realize I forgot all my paperwork at home. Not a big deal since I can make all the calls when I get home. I have referrals for what seems like 100 doctors. My new doc is on the ball! She has me going to an eye doctor, an endocrinologist, and a bunch of other items. What is nice on all of this is that it is part of my medical insurance. I mean, sure, I have eye insurance, but it isn’t as good as my medical. It means I can get my eyes done on that dime. Yes, I should be freaking out about all of this being related to diabetes, but I also know that it means I can get all of this taken care of so I don’t get it. My levels are still under an official diagnosis. I am thinking of trying to make more of my appointments on the 17th since it seems to be doctor day for me. Especially since all of them are in the same building!

My day looks to be boring. Hopefully I can get really into my work today so I can make it fly by.

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