Monday, August 15, 2011

yay weekend!


What a fantastic weekend!

Friday evening I went to dinner with Stephanie. We went to Cozy’s since she had never been. Plus, it was a good way to park a little distance from the theatre to allow me to get in some exercise by walking. Dinner was yummy. I even splurged a little by splitting a skinny margarita.

We walked to the theatre and met Kam there. We were early, which meant we spent some time talking, which was really fun. I was happy that Kam and Stephanie hit it off. We then went in and saw one of the funniest flicks I have seen in for like ever. Stupid Crazy Love deserves like 18 thumbs up. It was fantastic. Brilliant performances. I don’t tend to like Ryan Gossling, but he was great in this. The twists even caught be off guard, which means I didn’t spend the movie doing the, “oh, I bet this will happen.” I loved it. I actually liked that it wasn’t all neatly wrapped up at the end. There was still a question.

After the flick we hung out in front of the theatre, talking, for like 2 hours! It was really fun and awesome and even though it was noted that I had been up for 22 hours when I arrived home, it was well worth it. We had talked about going up to Howl, but being how late it was, we have decided we will need to go up some time for the whole evening.

Ken let me sleep in on Saturday, but I just couldn’t get comfortable after about 7. I heard my phone ring and it was my mom. I called her back and she said she and my dad were coming by to bring me something from Trader Joe’s and to take a look at the roof. I told them to come on by.

They showed up about 10 minutes later. My mom handed me the Trader Joe’s bag. I assumed it was some diet food since they knew how I had been really working hard on this diet. Instead, I saw an Apple bag. Inside said Apple bag was my brand new iPad!! I almost died. I was so sleepy and out of it, I truly thought I was dreaming. My mom said it was just a small token of their affection for me. They are awesome!!

Saturday afternoon I put my new iPad (her name is Padme) to good use as I took notes for Bobby’s new soccer team. I am now a team parent, Ken an assistant coach. Bobby’s first practice is Thursday, which kind of blows if only because it is Dax’s birthday, but it is cool since Andy can come and watch. It is only an hour, so it isn’t like it will be a big deal, really. What is really fun is that it is on a field I used to practice at. In fact, it is the same field that Greg once drove me to after he had stopped to pick up a couch someone was throwing out. He ended up bringing the couch onto the field and read a book while I practiced. Yeah, that wasn’t odd or anything. Let’s just say my soccer team was less than impressed.

Saturday night Ken went out to see Highlander with Aaron and Chris. It meant I didn’t feel bad about going to bed super early. The boys crashed out quickly, leaving me to do whatever I pleased. I found myself being kind of random weepy. Stupid hormones. I also was exhausted, so I crawled into bed. I started to watch Chasing Amy, but I couldn’t keep my eyes open. Thankfully I fell asleep without too much concern for Stabby Joe.

Sunday was mellow.

Stalker Boy showed up bright and early to resume making a shaved ice stand with the boys. It seems like this kid just doesn’t like his own family or his family doesn’t like him. We met his mom, and at one point Saturday saw his dad yell for him. He looked like a stereotypical 50’s buff dad who was a drunk. He was standing in the street, yelling for him, and I got scared. It certainly makes sense as to why he seems to wish Ken was his father.

Speaking of this kid, he apparently has been influencing my children in other areas of life. On the way to my parents’ house on Friday, Bobby says to me, “Hey mom, did you know Jesus made us?” I replied, “No, I made you.”

He seemed annoyed at my response, and continued with his Jesus talk. He said that he and Dax believe in Jesus. I told him that was fine but that he should know that Ken and I did not. He was more confused. I told him that at this point, he truly should not be talking to his friend about this topic. He should, however, speak to a trusted adult. I suggested Stephanie since as I pointed out, she does believe and I know that she won’t brainwash my kids. LOL! I did also suggest Papa Brenan. Yes, this could backfire on me, but I think he knows that I don’t want him preaching to my kids. I would love it if they had information and were able to question everything and THEN decide how they feel. If they end up being faithful, good for them. I would be a little surprised, if only because of how they are influenced at home, but who am I to stop them. I would be pretty pissed if my parents had told me I had to only believe how they believe.

Bobby was confused as to why Ken’s parents believed in Jesus and that Ken didn’t. I pointed out that if he and Dax believed in Jesus, that their parents did not. I had to explain that just because you are kids or parents, it doesn’t mean you have to only believe what each other believe. You have to choose for yourself. Both the boys seemed to be cool with this.

I am torn in the idea of asking their friend to stop talking Jesus to them. But really, that isn’t a good idea on my part. These boys are going to be influenced by many people. The only thing I can do is make sure they understand questions are good, and that whatever they choose, I am behind them 100%. It is tough, though, on this topic only because I have seen idiot religious folks. Then again, I see a lot of idiot atheists. Hmm..maybe I need to just teach them everyone is an idiot until further testing is conducted.

I lost another 4 pounds. I know it is going to come off quickly at first. It makes sense. I have cut my calories down significantly. My stomach has already adapted to this. I have found myself getting full quicker, which is helpful when dieting.

I have so much to do this week. Today, I will work on finishing up any cleaning Ken didn’t get to today. Tomorrow, Andy is here. Wednesday, I have an ultrasound for my liver, and then we are going to the zoo. Thursday is Dax’s birthday and Bobby’s practice, and Friday I need to run around getting the last minute items, and then I am baking cupcakes. Saturday is the big day!

I suppose I should do some work this morning.

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