Thursday, May 17, 2012

15 Pounds


I am without phone this morning.

Yesterday as we walked out of Louis Burger for the school fundraiser night, I juggled my phone and sunglasses unsuccessfully. My phone landed on the concrete with a thud. I have dropped my phone in the past. In fact, this wasn’t even what looked like a bad drop, until I noticed the line that now ran diagonally across the screen.

Yep, I cracked my phone.

Thankfully it still works. I am really good with my electronic devices, so this is a huge bummer to me. I had recently removed the rubber cover off of it since it was interfering with calls. Ken says that it would not have helped, but part of me wonders still.

Ken is taking my phone to the Apple store this morning to see if anything can be done. We had been waiting until June to replace them. There is still hope that Apple was going to announce the new iPhones and we were going to upgrade to those. We still have the 3s so this would be quite the jump. Sadly, with Apple, one ever knows for sure.

I just read online the rumors are placing the iPhone 5 to release either June or Oct. I can assure you, June would make me happier. That being said, perhaps my phone, even in its cracked configuration, will most likely last until Oct.

In other news, Andy emailed me the new Brenan Challenge. Papa Brenan is looking to lose 15 pounds before we leave for Ireland. This is 72 days from today. Everyone is putting in $150 bucks and if anyone makes it, they get the pot. If there is more than one person, then we split it. My ass can lose 15 pounds in 72 days!! In fact, this may be just the incentive to get off this freaking plateau.

Monday, Ken suggested I do a dry run on riding my bike to work. Since he will be home in the afternoon, he can rescue me, or more realistically, pick up the boys if it looks like I won’t make it back on time. If my calculations are correct, I should easily be able to make it back to pick up the boys in general, therefore, I may be able to start my biking adventures even earlier than planned. This means I will get in a kick ass extra workout 5 days a week. 15 pounds? I am hoping to lose more. That is 11 weeks. I just made a chart. I will take my weight today. If I aim for between 3 and 5 pounds a week, I could kick some ass! OMG-so excited!!!!!

I spent some time hanging out with Miss Lira yesterday. Poor thing needed to vent big time about things at the school. She happened to tell me some interesting information concerning the PTA. She said she gave the VP some serious shit for having taken the office of president for the PTA. He assured her that he was not happy that my application was held up somehow from Mrs. Kelly. After some talking, Miss Lira encouraged me to not give up on PTA and said next year should be gobs better, and that he would not be part of it then. Sounds interesting all around.

I am especially pleased that as I have been spending more time at the school, I am becoming more recognizable to everyone there. Miss Lira and I were in her classroom hanging out when two of the kids from her Pre-K from last year (and Dax’s classmates) peaked in to say hello. They actually said hello to me first! They said, “Hello Mrs. Brenan!” OMG, that warmed my heart. Love it!

Soccer practice is tonight, and since Ken tightened Bobby’s chain, we are going to give that whole riding to practice a go again. I think it will be better this time.

Yesterday my boss came to me with a dilemma. He places my portfolio results in front of me and says he is working on the annual goals he has to turn in by Friday. He then says something that validated the entire orchestra of horns I have been tooting. He told me that there was nothing to reduce. LOL! Yes, my numbers look so good there is no real good measurable goal to present. So he asked for some help from me on coming up with perhaps a project or something else I can do. I told him I would think about it.

It then came to me.

I was covering NAG’s desk yesterday when I noted just how disorganized she is. Her paperwork is not complete and she is behind constantly. I managed to do a bunch of things yesterday with her stuff, and that was while I was doing my job still. I even implemented some new forms. So this being the way I function, I suggested that I re-vamp the entire new account set up procedures. Yes, I could end up fixing all of this! He said he would touch base with her direct supervisor, Fred, to see if this would be ok with him. I will be curious to see how this goes today. I am not sure if I just got in over my head, but either way, it should be interesting.

I just did some net research on my pounds. It looks like what I will probably do it convert to a mostly lean protein diet for the next couple months. I will keep up with my green tea consumption as I am reading it will help with curbing appetite and helping to increase metabolism. Of course, my exercise will be key. But if I can add this 8 miles work of bike a day, that will be fantastic. OMG, I am so jazzed I want to go to the gym right now!

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