Monday, May 21, 2012

Bike to work


I did it!

So I made it to work. This may not seem all that interesting until it is pointed out that I got here via my bicycle! WOO! It wasn’t easy, that is for sure. There are significantly more hills than I think I even realized. I did have to walk the bike up about a block or so on University, but that isn’t too bad.

Ken was quite concerned with my ride, checking in with me via text or Find My Friends. We had talked about it last night and he was really worried about it being so early in the morning. There are some freak shows out there. But really, I have not been worried about it. I thought he was overreacting. However, when you are actually out there riding, I can see how it is a little daunting.

I made sure to wear a bright orange vest and had lights on the bike. I even wore the helmet. I made sure to wear something for the ride as opposed to the clothing I changed into at work. Thank goodness I did this. Holy crap I would have been a mess.

It took me about 35 minutes to get here. That is not too bad, especially for a first run! I only had to get up about 15 minutes earlier. I didn’t have to do makeup and hair, so I was able to shave off quite a bit of time in the morning, allowing me to get out of the house by 4:10.

Another ride tomorrow depends on the trip home. Although, really, I think it should be fine. If going uphill to work takes a half an hour, then going home downhill should be a breeze! Of course, poor Ken may have another say on this since my riding that early does mean he ends up he has to get up at the same time as I do due to his worrying. I don’t know that I can do that to him every day.

My plan is to do weights today in the gym. I figure I have cardio covered in bike time today. We rode a bit yesterday, too. I also ran some laps in the pool. I am hoping to see some results from this new regimen.

The rest of the weekend was not nearly as productive as I had hoped. Registration took place Saturday morning. I do have to say, though, with Ken and I kind of taking over on certain aspects, it ran so much smoother. Ken re-did the lines so that they were more efficient. I did the money part different, too, which allowed me to balance as I went so that when I did have to leave, my replacement didn’t have as much work. It also meant she did it the same way, making far less work for me when I picked it all up afterwards. I was quite pleased with me.

The boys had their best game yet! We almost won! We also scored! 5 times! Dax almost did, too, in a spectacular break away. Sadly that field is really slow, so even though his shot timing would have been ok elsewhere, he really needed to take about 2 more steps. He did great, though. We were ahead up until the 4th quarter, where our team just kind of ran out of steam. I was still so very proud of all of them. It was truly amazing. One more game left, with 2 more practices. I will miss these kids and hope some of them are back for the fall.

I am kind of partial to a couple of them. This one kid, Reece, was a bit of a pain in the ass in the beginning. It was almost like he was testing me in a lot of ways. Now, he is one of my favorites and I feel like he truly respects me and wants to make sure I know he is busting his ass. I am proud of his improvements.

When we got home on Saturday, the boys went down to NB’s birthday party. They were gone from about 2:30 to 7. Dax came back a couple times, upset at various things, but ultimately they were there in a party high. This left Ken and I to work on my hair, watch a movie and multiple Glee episodes. It was pretty blissful. So much so that I really had no desire to go out to Howl. I was pretty content just chillin at home.

Sunday morning was nice. I slept in and the day was mellow. NB came over early. This meant the boys were out of the house much of the day again. More hair work and another movie watching session. The movies we watched were New Moon and Eclipse. Not horrid. I was shocked. I didn’t think they were brilliant or anything, but I am glad I watched. I have Breaking Dawn part 1, so we will watch that soon.

As for hair, it turned out much different than planned, but I am ok with it. It is a shame, though, since Ken put a lot of work into the paint job, making the oranges and reds in brilliant streaks throughout a yellow base. However, it all ended up running together and made it bright pink. Thank goodness I still like it! LOL!

Today starts the epic adventure my mom has planned out for the boys. She sent out a packet that instructs the boys to follow clues and maps to rescue a tiger and bear from an evil monkey. I have special tiles that Ken and I will be placing out randomly at home. My parents have them, too. This is supposed to last about a month, finding these clues to finish right before my birthday. There is even a video message they need to watch at some point! LOL! Should be lots of fun!

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