Tuesday, May 22, 2012



I made it!

That being said, I drove to work today. Ken was quite worried about me. The darkness, the uncertainty, all of the dangers that happen in the wee hours of the morning are just too much for him. I will probably ride every now and again, but I have to prep him and myself a bit more.

I had a much harder time coming home than expected. The wind was blowing so damn much I even had to peddle going downhill! I contemplated calling Ken a couple of times, but I was too determined to give in.

The one thing that shocked me was how much debris there is on my routes. Giant bolts, screws, glass, dead critters, etc. It was hazard after hazard. I didn’t like this aspect whatsoever. I was sure I would hit something wrong and end up with either a popped tired or hit something wrong and end up flipped over my handlebars.

Since I drove to work today, my plan is cardio in the gym and possibly a nice walk with Miss Luna tonight.

Yesterday was the start of the hunt.

I had the boys open the envelope that contained the crime packets. My mom made surveillance packets and photos of the victims and the suspect, Tiny Tim. He is an evil monkey, doncha know. The accompanying videos may have been some of the funniest things I have seen in forever. Roper and Mitchell (a stuffed dog and stuffed tiger, both named after animals my mother has had in her life) have been kidnapped and stuffed in a box. Currently, the boys have a few clues, but ultimately nothing that leads them to where they are. Over the next few days, they will be finding these tiles that go to a paper they will get in the mail soon. They also will find a puzzle, which I accidently already busted out, but thankfully Ken corrected by taking out a lot of the pieces so that we could stretch it out the way it was supposed to be done. I would hate to have fucked up my mom’s whole plan that she has worked so hard on in one slip up. LOL!

Look what I found in the Urban Dictionary:

Dax: A positive connotation, almost like "cool".

This party is so dax


I had given my body and nature a year to decide if I was meant to create another little Brenan. Said year is technically up, especially considering I am currently without fetus. I wondered if I should go ahead and pull the plug, or I suppose tie the tube at this point. I came to the conclusion that I think it is reasonable to keep letting nature decide. I truly do not want to go on any kind of birth control right now. Plus, I have watched a couple of people on FB that are my age get pregnant, and I know that I am not too old right now. In addition to this, if nature truly doesn’t want me to be preggers, then it won’t happen. So for now I am going to stay open to the possibility and see what happens.

When I get bored at work, I start Windows shopping. I hate seeing so many cool things.

I need someone to get married. I want to go see a wedding.

It also is that time of year when I get all prom nostalgic. 19 years ago was my prom. Holy crap! Where does that time go????

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