Friday, May 18, 2012

Today can be over-I am tired!


Sleep was not my friend last night.

It was so odd. I kept waking up every hour or so. I just could not get comfortable. I am very sleepy today because of it. I think that it was just the wrong temperature in the room. We had the fan on because our room seemed stuffy. Yet I was cold at times. This should have been a good thing, but when I was under the covers I was too hot.

I probably just had too much extra energy. The ride to the practice didn’t happen since Bobby’s chain came off yet again when we were coming home from school. Ken and I had spent time making it tighter right before I went to get them, but apparently the wheel must have been at an angle. I didn’t bother messing with it. I put the bike in my basket and Bobby on the seat of my bike and walked them home that way. Dax opted to ride ahead, which was good since he was getting annoyed at that whole walking thing.

Tomorrow looks to be hectic. We have the registration event in the morning. I am not so secretly hoping for a lesser turnout due to the parade going on. Also, it is a big pain in the ass when there are gobs of people, especially since we have to leave early. The second to last game of Spring Season is at noon, which means we have to cross the parade land, which could be tricky.

I am anxious for the game. The boys all did so well at practice last night. I also just would love to see them score a couple points. I hate seeing them so discouraged. It really bums me out. I know they bust their asses. I know they work hard.

Ken got my phone fixed. He had gone down to the Apple store where they replaced the screen on my phone. This was cool except that when he brought it to me I noted I could not select any apps on the bottom rows. So he took it back and they discovered that it broke further when they replaced the screen. This meant they replaced the phone, without charging us anything aside from the original amount paid. It is still the 3, but as I had said before, hopefully Apple comes out with the 5 soonish and we can upgrade altogether.

Bobby was asking me some interesting questions yesterday. He started asking me why some girls show off their boobs more with shirts that are lower cut. He asked about tank tops. He asked a lot of questions about why girls use make up. It was odd. Not bad, just kind of out of left field. He giggled a bit when I tried to explain that a lot of people find boobs attractive. He didn’t laugh like he thought it was silly. He laughed in a way that I think was more like he agreed, which was really cute.

The boys also have a birthday party tomorrow afternoon. NB invited them. I am ok with it, especially since it gives Ken and I a couple hours without kids. And, they are just a few houses down, which is perfect for my piece of mind.

I would like to spend some serious time on more organizing. I keep clearing the entry way, but it keeps getting cluttered with things. Yeah, Ken, I am looking at you. LOL! Anyhoo, the plan is to take things like soccer stuff and put them in their own spot in the garage. Lego stuff should either go in the shed or some other spot like that. I also need to clear out one of the pantry shelves because I think that we should make some better room for Ken’s beer making adventures. I also want to take all my heavier coats and hang them in the closet since I won’t be needing them for a few months.

Yes, I have some big plans.

I also have an idea for some earrings I want to make. Perhaps tonight we will go to JoAnne’s since we also have to go get NB a birthday present.

In addition to cleanup on the house, I need to do my cleanup on my hair. It has recovered quite a bit from the shock treatment given to it a couple weeks ago. I have been very good to it since, only washing it a couple times and dousing it with gobs of conditioner. It feels much better. Hopefully this means I can start adding some color to it that doesn’t look like an Easter basket. Saturday afternoon may be the perfect time as I can have it put in and I can work around the house while it sits.

Ken and I were invited to go hang out at Howl on Saturday night. It might be interesting if we make some arrangements for a sitter. Then again, I know how much Ken will not enjoy aspects of it. He doesn’t like things like concerts. This is a concert where you practically sit on the stage. We shall see.

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