Friday, March 15, 2013



I must have some bad Karma with Mother Nature since she is currently kicking my ass.

For some reason my period cycles are getting shorter. It is time to go get checked out. It is probably nothing, but I am going to say that a cycle every 20 days is not acceptable. Especially when I am still in the midst of fire throat and super congestion.

Sleep was not great last night, mostly because I didn’t go to sleep with the intention of coma. Ken had a meeting last night, so I was kind of waiting up for him. This meant when he did arrive home, I had a hard time falling back asleep. I had to wait on him since I was in the midst of a tampon emergency when I realized that I had none and was in desperate need of one. LOL!

The coffee and the NyQuil are currently engaged in an epic battle over my status. I am not sure if I am actually typing this, but I do know I am doing it at top speeds.

We met with our realtor last night, which was fun. We signed our buyer agreement and set to work on some open houses we can hopefully look at this weekend. One is in Redondo! There is another, that although is small, is on a huge lot and filled with awesome trees. We drove by it and thought it was gorgeous. We are really looking forward to seeing that place. There is another at the end of a Cul-de-sac. All of them seem pretty cool so we are crossing our fingers.

I keep telling myself that the only reason I am here is to get my check. There is truth to this. That being said, my check won’t get to my desk until like 10, which means that I if I can make it that long, I might as well tough it out all day. I am looking forward to sleeping in and looking at homes.

The market is crazy right now, what with little inventory and aggressive pricing. Our guy told us that he hopes we can find something within 6 months since this is all going to just get worse. Yie!

Fuck. It looks to be a busy day filled with idiots. 

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