Thursday, March 21, 2013

Spring 2013


Yay meds!

What a difference even a little bit of these meds have made. I am not coughing up random organs and I don’t feel like I am on death’s door step. It is a nice change all around.

We went and looked at a house last night. It was a shame it wasn’t a house we looked at about 15 years ago. It would have been a perfect starter home. A little small, but it would have been fine for two crazy kids just starting out in the world. Plenty of room to add on, which would cost a shit ton less now than starting over.

We are still looking, though. I sent a couple of new listings to Ken this morning. Now it is about checking with our realtor to look and to check with our money man to see if the place is ok.

We have now had the first place that apparently a buyer pulled out because a guy died in the place. I have NO issues with death happening in the house. I almost wonder if there are dead house listings. People get creeped out by that sort of thing, yet I would take it as a bonus since the price might be lower. I need like a good old fashioned massacre house. LOL! Ok, not really, but you get my drift.

I need to go get a haircut. I don’t want my hair shorter, but I am noting that it is still slightly uneven since my cut some time ago to get rid of the dead.

I have a desire to go on a hike. I am hoping I am up to that soon. Specifically I am still jonzing to go to the M*A*S*H hike. I just emailed someone to see if dogs are allowed on that hike since I would really like to take Luna with me. I have been looking now for a handful of other hikes that we can take the pup. Almost 2 weeks of no exercise due to this sick is getting to me. I need to move!

I took Luna to the school with me yesterday. Specifically, I took her on campus when I picked up the boys. No one has said anything, so I take that as a win. She was super well behaved so I am just going to keep bringing her until someone says something. I see people with their little rat dogs so I think I should be allowed to have my well behaved and gorgeous golden, dammit! She was so funny since everyone wanted to pet her. She was awesome about it.

 I got some pieces of my new computer yesterday. I have my keyboard and mouse. Yay! I have to admit, I am getting a little excited. It will be really nice to have a computer I am not concerned with crashing or running out of space.

I got the spring pics yesterday for the boys. My SOP for these is always to just scan them and send them back without paying. I am kind of tempted to buy this set. I know, it is probably a waste, but I don’t know, something tells me I should. Am I crazy?

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