Monday, March 11, 2013

yick sick


Stupid damn sick. 

I took Friday off with the intent of being able to rest enough that this sick would not take over. I got home super late from the board meeting and I was sure that this extra day would be helpful. Don’t get me wrong, I did manage to get some rest and some things done. I got to go to Target by myself, a luxury that allowed me to shop leisurely and obtain supplies for Easter baskets. I also had time to watch more episodes of my show while filling the 192 eggs for the hunt. 

Ken came home early and we ended up taking the kids to go see Oz, which was really fun. The movie wasn’t as good as I had hoped, but still a good time. It was just nice to be able to go for a family movie. Ken and I did point out that we may need to set aside some money from the tax return for this year’s movie offers. 

Saturday brought the Fern Extravaganza. We got out to Riverside around 10:30 and managed to get everything set up. It was surprisingly fun! My cousin Billy and his wife Angie were there, which allowed me to get to know Angie. I had never met her. She was awesome! Clearly, she is perfect for my cousin and was super fun. I enjoyed talking with her quite a bit. 

My aunt was not super thrilled about the mess that I brought which was the 30 balloons filled with confetti. She didn’t really express her anger and kept it in check. My mom on the other hand thought it was fantastic. LOL!

It was a good time with Grammie being quite surprised and moved by the whole event. I was able to visit with all of my great aunts and cousins which was interesting being that I don’t get to do that all that often. I met my mom’s one cousin for the first time who when introduced to me said, “Oh, yes, Gena! I have heard a lot about you!” It was surreal how many of these people know me. I mean, sure, they are family, but apparently my social media hijinks have truly made me a family celebrity. Ray, my mom’s cousin, was really funny and told me that I was his new favorite person because I was so happy. LOL! I was in full party mode, being super social and bubbly. I also made sure to help my mom with whatever needed to be done. It was a good party and I am glad it all went so well. 

Sadly, all of that energy left me nothing to fight the cold that is now ravaging my body. Sleep seems to be impossible since it is at that time when my nose goes nuts, despite all of the meds I have been taking. My throat is super sore and my head and neck ache from the sick. I hate this so very much. That being said, I am not as bad off as I suppose I could be. I have not gotten the fever that Dax got last weekend. 

Thankfully we had nowhere we needed to be yesterday. We did go to breakfast, but then after we did some housework. The boys went down to play with a friend for a couple of hours, which allowed Ken and I to catch up a bit on Modern Family. Once the boys came home, we made dinner and watched the second movie in the Harry Potter series. At one point I found myself on the couch with my boys and Monarch curled up on me while we watched Harry fight a giant snake. It was very cozy.

I really wish I had gotten more sleep last night. I am running on empty this morning. I am about to rock another cup of tea, hoping that it will soothe my throat along with give me a nice caffeine boost.
We looked at the house on Ainsworth and although it was quite nice, it didn’t seem worth a fight. There was already 5 offers in on the place and we would have needed to make a move Thursday night. So for now, we are just going to keep looking. I know that our realtor would like us to come in and discuss things. Ken isn’t too keen on this being that he already thinks everyone is on the same page, but I think it wouldn’t hurt. For now, I will keep looking. Hopefully we can find the right place for us.

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