Monday, March 4, 2013

Mr. Sick


They replaced the light in the cube behind me making my whole area way too freaking bright.

It is never a good thing when your kids’ school hands you a sheet of paper indicating that the student population has been exposed to the strep throat virus. There is added doom when you find out at least 4 kids in one of your kids’ classes have been out sick with said virus. The final nail in the coffin is when kid from said class says his throat hurts.

Dax seemed ok for the most part on Friday afternoon, but you could tell his throat was scratchy. He was also quite congested, which I was hoping was the true cause of the throat issues. To be on the safe side, we went to the grocery store and loaded up on Gatorade and picked up things like kids Tylenol.
Saturday morning, Dax came into our bedroom in a panic. He said he could hardly breathe and he was coughing like crazy. He now had a temperature of 103.


The good news is the Tylenol dropped the fever somewhat and despite being clearly tired, he was holding it together like a trooper. We had a couple of errands that needed to be taken care of, so we loaded the boys in the car, armed with a cooler of Gatorade and charged up iPods. We were only out maybe 2 hours, but by the time we were leaving Target you could tell Dax was spent. We got home and tucked him in on the couch where we would spend much of the weekend.

He thankfully had an ok appetite. He had some soup (one of the other things we made sure to pick up on Friday) and continued to nurse his bottle of Gatorade. We watched a lot of shows. The boys have been watching this one called Fanboy and Chum Chum. It is odd.

Ken had a referee appreciation dinner Saturday night at the Cheesecake Factory. I convinced him to wear his ref shirt with a tie and jacket. It went over quite well. It was actually ok that he went since the boys went to bed at 6:30, allowing me 3 hours of uninterrupted me time which meant a mini marathon of Being Human. Yay!

Sunday morning Dax was much better. He was still congested and his throat wasn’t 100% but it was certainly less of an issue. His fever was also coming down and by about 10 in the morning, it was mostly back to normal. That being said, we still opted for a mellow day.

Ken and I did do some work on the house, though. We went through multiple drawers and cupboards, getting rid of lots of things we don’t need. I boxed up my mausoleum and several other things. I really enjoyed being able to label the one box as “Dead Bodies” being that in contained all of the ashes from various family members.

Once we ran out of boxes, we concentrated on some kitchen cleaning. I pulled out all of the Tupperware and then went to clean the inside of the cupboard. Sadly, I did not see the top of the nail that was sticking out just enough on the one side. I was scrubbing vigorously and jammed my finger into said nail. It stabbed me under my pinkie finger nail, which still hurts like hell. I actually almost fainted. It was horrid.

I decided to go to Target since I realized that I didn’t have fabric softener. It was kind of nice getting out by myself for a bit. I picked up some storage boxes which will make packing easier. I also was able to find a cute skirt. Sadly, I completely failed on my mission because when I got home I realized I had forgotten the fabric softener. Do’h!

I did however get the balloons needed for this weekends’ Grammie Extravaganza.  We filled them with the prizes and a giant fist full of confetti. I am quite excited for the explosion of mess that is going to occur 30 times. YAY!

I really want to be able to work on the house some more as I feel like I got very little done this weekend. Of course, a lot of that was due to a sick kid, but still. I am hoping that I can tackle little projects each day while the boys either are working on homework or out playing. Today’s task is going through all the stuffed animals and making a donation bag. There is an organization that accepts lightly loved animals for kids that lost all their toys in a disaster. I say this is perfect for a lot of the ones we have.

Tomorrow I am hoping to clean out my closet. Scary shit!

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