Tuesday, March 12, 2013

cough cough cough cough


I really am not here. 

I mean, sure, my body is here. That being said, my brain is not. I feel like a zombie wandering around in a haze. I feel like I have accomplished a lot already this morning in that I managed to shower and get dressed. My Nyquil seemed to be helping when I first went to sleep around 8. At midnight, I woke up with the cough and couldn’t get back to sleep. I tossed and turned and coughed and coughed and coughed. I dealt with hot and cold flashes that actually were making my body twitch, which were super freaky. I finally procured a cough drop from Ken and managed to settle mostly, but I was plagued with funky dreams that messed with my already jacked up head. I spent a good hour talking to Robbie, mostly debating whether or not her deathaversary was today or in a couple weeks. For the record, it isn’t until the 27th

When the alarm went off I almost started crying. I was so very upset. I am very much so out of practice in this no sleep thing. I am the type of person who can sleep pretty much anywhere. Even with the baby years, I didn’t mind getting up to feed them since I could easily nurse and nap at the same time. It was actually one of the more relaxed times for me. Gone are the days when I would work all day and play all night (or the reverse depending on my shift) and a couple of hours of shuteye would suffice for my energy depletion. 

I am not proud of my weakness, but it may be one of those days to just throw in the towel and go crawl back into bed. 

I would like to be rested for tonight being that it is Open House at the school. I always enjoy those sort of things. 

I think I just fell asleep on my keyboard.

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