Tuesday, June 16, 2009

blah blah blah


It is a good day, good morning! No boss man!! I kind of knew it was coming since I knew he was visiting a customer of mine today that is located in Northern California, but I wasn’t sure if he would be here in the morning and then just leave early, or if he was taking the day to visit other customers in the area. Lucky for me, it was the latter.

So now, I have to decide on how to do these reports. They are from the 10th and it is now 6 days later. The reports needed I think are only just for the boss to see how we are doing, but they don’t match, and I am unsure of how much effort needs to be done in order to give old data. So I think I will wait until he asks for them and let him know that we are working on it, and that way he can’t question it too much. It isn’t that I don’t want to do them. On the contrary, I actually don’t mind the reports. I just don’t see how it is efficient to spin my wheels on something that is almost a week old and not crucial to anyone. I would much rather run a new report and do partial reporting. We will see. With him out today, I can hold off.

I am a little bummed. I was hoping to attend something like 2 weddings this month, but both didn’t happen. One was my brother who said they were considering a wedding this month. I have not heard anything. The other was my nephew that up until only like a month ago, I thought had lived in El Segundo. Apparently Ken and I were wrong and in fact they live in Washington. Unfortunately, we really just can’t swing that kind of travel right now. Such a bummer! I know they will have a fun wedding as they both are fun people. It is in a meadow! How cool is that? I can’t wait to see the pics.

Dax had an indecisive afternoon. Ken had taken Bobby to a class with him since he was going to be able to build mini figs (which Bobby LOVES!), so that left just Dax and I. So of course, I spoiled him. He got two bags of fruit snacks! Plus, I told him he could watch whatever he wanted. So he chose Bolt. Cool! We sat down and then he spied the box of DVDs. Over the weekend we had been cleaning out the hall closet which included all of our DVDs. We had taken out the discs themselves and were packing away our collector series and the sleeves. We had not put it in the attic yet and this was a problem only because then Dax saw every cool movie he would want to see. So every 10 minutes, he wanted to watch a different movie. It got to the point where he changed his mind in the middle of saying a movie title! “I want skeleton, no wait, gabba, no wait, Bolt, no wait, Buzz Lightyear movie!” No kidding. I didn’t mind, except that I didn’t want to just stand at the DVD player and change out discs. I wish I had like a 5 disc player, then I could of just changed between them all.

I tried several things. Finally, he settled on Super Why, which is like crack to him, and he sat on his little blue chair in front of me while I napped on the couch. He would touch me every now and again to make sure I was “paying attention” and I sang along on some of the stuff so he knew I was still there. It was a good afternoon.

Bobby lost Spike, his blanket and last I saw, his Lego Robot. He was told that if he keeps coming out of his room to get water, milk, etc, that he would lose the things most precious to him. He just doesn’t want to go to sleep. He knows it is ok to come out to use the restroom. So he does that a couple times, despite having nothing to pee. He gets one glass of milk in the fridge, which up until the last two nights, he had free reign on. Once that milk was gone, though, he had to go to water. Fine, except then he came out every 4 minutes to get a swig of water, and he would dink around in the process. We even had to pause the show we were watching since it would distract him. So I finally told him two nights ago that drink time was over. If he came out, he lost things each time. He didn’t come out then, but last night he was clearly testing the waters. When I fell asleep, he had lost the three items, but I don’t know if he came out again after I fell asleep. I know he is tired, but to some degree, I worry he is like Ken and that he just is a night owl. That being said, I also have seen him crash out before Dax, so who knows.

We need to go to the grocery store today. Milk is all gone!

People at work mentioned my hair, and I felt better. It is acting up this morning. I actually washed it today, which I had not in a few days. I didn’t want to wash it after I dyed it, so I wanted to wait for a couple days. It needed it, despite looking pretty good yesterday. So now today, it is angry with me and is showing its anger by being all wild and crazy. I may have to pull it back if it doesn’t start to behave.

I am super sleepy. Clearly, 4 days of sleeping in was me being spoiled. Not that I slept in that much, but enough that I can feel the difference.

We got the last disc of How I Met Your Mother season 1. So in 4 episodes we will be ready to move on to season 2. We watched most of that season already, but Ken missed a bunch I watched, and by watching it on disc, we can see it non syndicated. Yay!

It is Dad’s day this weekend. I suppose I should get some Dad’s day stuff for the dads in my life!

OMG, thank goodness. My dad sent me this game called circle the cat. It is this little cat on these green dots and you have to click the dots to “block” them while the cat moves from dot to dot. You take turns. You block, cat moves. Your goal is to block the cat into a circle so she can’t get out. I did it like 10 times, getting annoyed each time. I finally was about to give up and look up some cheat sheet, when I actually completed it. I was a little disappointed that there was no fan faire on the site. It didn’t pop up with a “You Win!” or anything. Kind of took away how excited I was, but it really doesn’t matter. I was just happy to complete it once so that then I wouldn’t have to keep doing it.

I got my card from Locks of Love thanking me for my donation. Way cool! I now have it up at my desk. It is funny how it looks so personalized, when really, these days they can make anything look like they really saw my name and personally thanked me. Not that I am not happy with my card or my donation, I just find it amusing.

Why do people cook carrots?

I am not sure I have accomplished much this morning.

I am not suggesting I am depressed, I am simply asking the question. How do you know when being sad is actually depression? I know there are web sites and doctors, but when does it get to the point where the person is in trouble? And no, I don’t mean like when they off themselves or something like that, I mean, are we as a society making too much out of sadness? Or maybe not enough? There was a time when people might have just been sad about something, but now, that same sad might require a pill or therapy. And on top of that, because of how easy it is to be diagnosed depressed (I faked it when I was pregnant and I got pills), I wonder if we miss the ones that really need it because of a-holes like me for having faked it the one time to get out of work. Like with kids, you hear all these horrible stories of 9 year olds hanging themselves. Is that because kids no longer just can be sad? They have to suicidal? I know some obviously are, but I am worried the lines are so blurred now that the wrong people are being ignored and the ones who just need a little extra attention are getting more than they need. I think about it sometimes when Bobby get sad about things. I know preschoolers get “sad” about things (usually when something is taken from them), but as an over protective mom who has no experience with other 4 year olds, I do get worried that it is something else. Clearly he has me wrapped around his little finger.

I just ate some of my headache inducing chips. They are tasty, but the headache isn’t worth it. It must be the MSG. Luckily, they were very stale, so I didn’t feel bad about tossing the remaining crumbs.

I was having fun with my camera yesterday, taking pics of Dax and myself. I was actually pretty pleased with at least one of the pics of me. There is a cute one of Dax and I that is cute, despite it looking like I am hogging the spotlight by covering part of his face with my big ole head.

I hope it is warm on Saturday. I can go in the pool with the boys. I know we are swimming on Sunday, too, but it will be fun to go on Saturday. Ken has said that we are going to need to use something like chlorine, which is a shame, but if it keeps the pool clean, it needs to be done.

I guess Ken has no classes this week.

I start too many of my paragraphs in this journal with “I”.

My head (Ha Ha! No I!) hurts.

Thank you Stephanie, Jenni, Alyssa and Edith for saying nice things about my red hair!!

There is a picture of me and Ken on my desk from the Death Cab concert, and I guess the toner was acting up, but my hair actually looks like a burgundy. Funny!

I guess Burgundy and Maroon are the same color, or at least pretty similar. I think I had been under the impression that Maroon was more purple. So when I described liking the deep red of Burgundy, I didn’t want to call it Maroon since I didn’t want people thinking it was more plum colored. I am a tard extraordinaire.

Silver Sun Pickups? Hmmm..I guess they do this cool song I like. No, I am wrong. I guess it is Cage the Elephant. Dammit KROQ, make up your mind!!

Were my bangs annoying in high school or did I just think they were because of how I look at them in pictures?

I need to stop chewing on the inside of my cheeks. I think that is making me nauseous.

Ok, now they are playing Silversun Pickups. I do not like them that much.

Whisper Sisters are on the loose. When the boss is gone (one of them doesn’t have her direct supervisor OR the main boss), they wander around, gossip and generally don’t do much of anything. I am cutting one of them slack since she just found out her mother has cancer. The other, well, there is slack cut, too, since she defended me last week when the big boss was wondering where everyone was. Even with the slack, though, I find them offensive at times. This morning, the one with the sick mom (I have decided to not name names in general for work stuff since you hear about all these people getting fired over what they post online. Mind you, it isn’t like a hard code to crack, but this way I feel like I am doing something about it) wanted me to get on the phone with a customer of hers to tell them something regarding CODs. I am not the COD chick, nor am I the boss. I told her what I thought she should do on this situation, and beyond that, it was up to her and her customer. Basically, we sent her a part COD. UPS never sent us a check. In the past, it is the customer’s responsibility to contact UPS for the whereabouts of the check since in reality, it is their money and their responsibility to get us the payment, and if they don’t have a receipt from UPS that they gave the driver a payment, then tough shit on them. If this is a problem, then the parts manager needs to decide how we will handle it, not AR. Parts may decide to send a driver out to get the check, or they may have the check and have not turned it in to us. So she wanted me to tell the customer all of this. Look, I will help people, but when it comes to pretty much doing their job, I draw the line. Besides, she acts like she is so swamped (both of them do), yet neither of them are every actually WORKING. Look, I know I am goofing off right now, but when I need to work, I work.

Some people need to also figure out humor. I have an invoice that is 140 days out for $18K on this notoriously stupid account. Customer claims we billed wrong. The chick who has to fix it has drug her feet for 3 months. So I email her this morning and she tells me that I will love the answer that was rejected by her from him. She then said she would call me later for a laugh. It isn’t fucking funny, lady. It is $18K on my aging that gets my boss’s panties in a bunch. I don’t need funny, I need a fucking check or a credit memo to get this shit off my report. Funny is Why did the monkey fall out of the tree? Because he was dead. Look, that is funny. Not funny is some a-hole customer who hold payment because you are a fucking tard. Can you tell I get a little annoyed at idiots around here?

Mmmm….box spaghetti.


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