Wednesday, June 17, 2009

the wednesday report


Is it inappropriate to teach the boys that when they are biting the heads off of their fruit snacks (they have some that are animals) that they are decapitating them? Is it also bad to ask them if the brains taste good? Or is it really only over the top when I told them that eating the brains makes them smarter?

We finished season one of How I Met Your Mother last night. I am such a freaking girl. In the season finale, Marshall and Lilly break up. I know that this is only temporary having watched most of season 2, yet I found myself all teary and crap. What the hell???? Not only are they fake people, I know that it all gets better!! In all fairness, I still cry when I watch other movies over and over despite knowing the good outcome. Not that this is helping my case, but at least I know it happens a lot.

Bobby’s whining seemed to peak again yesterday. Bad timing on his part since Ken had taken him to work with him on Monday. I have been wondering if when he gets special treatment like that if it increases his whining. I don’t know if this is really the case, so I need more evidence. However, being that Ken is doing summer school starting next week, Bobby will realistically not be going to work with him any time soon. At least then we will have a routine.

Because Ken is on his own this week, it was suggested that he takes Dax with him one day. It may be today since Ken might have to go to Anaheim to get kits for Saturday’s parties, and it would be good for Dax to get some Daddy time. Bobby gets Daddy time a lot, and even a lot of Mommy time, but Dax doesn’t get as much one on one Daddy time as he probably should. So I hope that it works out. Thinking about it, the one on one time they do get is in the middle of the night when you hear Dax yelling out, “DADDY!!!” when he needs something. I guess that is bonding.

The bribe on the table was pool time with mommy this afternoon. He messed that up last night with coming out several times. Ken asked me if there was something we could have him do to get it back. Bobby has to get dressed 100% on his own this morning and not whine when he goes to Maria’s. I am hoping he does ok. He is going to have a lot of issues when he realizes that Dax gets to go with daddy to “work”. Ken was going to just take them both, and tell Maria that he would come back for Dax 5 minutes later and kind of sneak him out. I don’t think this is a good plan. Then Bobby will start to assume that we aren’t honest with him and if we are not around that we might do something like take Dax behind his back. Not a good idea overall. I am ok with some lying. Ken could tell Bobby has a doc appt and that is why he isn’t going to Maria’s. It would give him an out on not sneaking around, and Bobby won’t get as upset.

The boss is going to be annoying today. I wonder if I should take some pain killers now as a buffer for the ones I will need to take when I get the raging headache.

I am loving that Joe Rogan is rocking the fanny pack. He has decided to bring them back. Look, if Joe Rogan says they rock, then they rock. Nuff said.

My back hurts. I think I was sleeping all kinds of weird. This of course also meant I didn’t sleep well, so I am tired. I can get to sleep earlier tonight as we don’t have any HIMYM discs, and this means we can attempt to crawl into bed early. I feel like such an old lady. 10, which is practically the time I get to sleep each night, is not that late. It is late, I guess, when you get up at 4:10 like I do, but even so, sometimes it really sucks being at a point in which you can no longer function on 2 hours of sleep a night. Your body is able to do that at two times in your life. Once, right after high school. It doesn’t matter if you are in college or not, it is a time when curfews are a thing of the past, there is less parental involvement and you kind of go wild. The other time is when you have kids. Newborns to about 2, you assume sleep is truly a luxury, and despite needing the sleep, you are still able to work, feed the baby and not piss yourself because the toilet just seems too far away. It isn’t as functional as the right out of high school time period. I mean, when you are in that mode, you are pumped and ready for anything even if you have not slept but maybe for 3 hours in a 48 hour period. I know that some people do still have that energy and no sleep even without being 19 or with a child, but I maintain that they are lacking somewhere. Either that, or the energy is artificial. Coffee, soda, uppers, you name it, they must use it. If they don’t, I can guess they have left their briefcase on the roof of the car more than once. If none of this is true, they are alien, and you should probably run from them.

Wow, I went on quite the tangent.

I love it when I have policy to back me up. Someone wanted to do an order on our cash account, which is really just for small orders in a one time only type of situation. We have a policy that states that we can do orders on this account for up to $3500. Anything more, we need to set the customer up with an account as a just in case. This order was for $7K. The rep got uppity with me saying that since they were paying with a credit card, why do we need an account? Well, being that credit cards are no longer considered secure payment, and we have had problems in the past, we set up a policy that said we need the account. I was able to send him the policy, still say that I would run it by the boss to get an exception on this if he wanted. Instead, he responded with the account set up request. Love it!

I feel nauseous. I wonder what that is about. I think the gum I chew does it.

So Dax didn’t want to stay with Daddy today. I wonder what that is about. Oh well. Ken has two more days to see if Dax wants to stay with him. Dax has asked the last couple days if he could go to work with Ken, but I guess he just wasn’t digging it today. On a positive note concerning Bobby, Ken told him that his pool privileges would be reinstated if he got dressed 100% on his own and didn’t whine. Mission accomplished. I guess I am going in the pool when I get home. LOL!

I love that Bobby calls Bohemian Rhapsody the Good Bye Song.

Oh, George Michael, how your sweet sounds make me swoon. I am ok with loving his music, and him for that matter. Have you heard Heal the Pain? Shoot, if it is lame to love that, then I am the lamest person in the world.

I just bashed Los Angeles in my latest article. I don’t know what to call my little writing projects. Articles? A piece? I call this my journal, so I don’t think of them as journals. Column? I am not sure I am good enough for that, yet, but I will continue to practice. I just wish more people read it so I could get more feedback.

I was always (ok, I still am) such a pack rat, especially when it came to saving letters and cards from people. I have folders with sections for each person’s letters, and a section of folks that only sent me one or two. I figure some day they will be fun to go over. Hell, they are fun to look at any time! But now, I am sad. In this age of email, IM and text, communication is constant. Although I save lots of emails from people, there are just so many, it would be impossible to go through them at a later date, and do I really want to? When you hand wrote a letter, it was important since you took the time to actually get a piece of paper and write out something. Now, you can bang out an email in like 2 minutes. And get a response 2 minutes later. Jenni and I will have 45 emails back and forth before noon on any given day. Some of the chit chat is just that, chit chat, but some of it is worth while. But how do I know it is worthwhile in 2 years? Or 10? I have had some awesome email conversations with people over the last 10 years that are on some hard drive somewhere. There is no crinkled piece of paper bearing the markings of that special folding you did with notes. I love that they are somewhere in my electronical archives, but they just don’t seem as tangible. Don’t worry, I won’t print them out. Good lord, I would take out an entire forest by myself if I did that. I have copied some important emails and put them in word documents, but even though this takes out all the breaks, it is still a virtual document, and subject to hard drive crashes or just obscurity unless I somehow stumble across some old hard drive that I need to clean off. I guess that is what makes them so cool when you do find them since you forgot the existed. But in that same thought, I am a little bummed that my grandkids won’t be in my attic thumbing through boxes of old letters between Ken and I. Things change, and this is ok, but it is sometimes a bummer.

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