Thursday, June 4, 2009



No!!! Not David Carradine!! Unacceptable. Just wrong on so many levels.

Of course, all of us at work are shocked, especially considering the reports coming in are indicating he hung himself. But what didn’t shock me was the fact that we all said at once, ok, who are the next two. It is sad that this is where our brains go, but with Farrah and Patrick on death watch in my head, it is a sad reality.

Speaking of death, Bobby and I had the death talk. We were at my parents’ house when he spotted a picture of my dad’s parents. He asked who they were.

“Those are Poppy’s mommy and daddy.”

“Oh! I love them!”

“Really? You have only met them once.”

“Can we see them?”

“Well, he is dead.” I gestured to Ray.


“A couple years ago.”

“Can we see him?”

“Well, no, sweetie, he is buried in a box in Pennsylvania”

“Oh. Can we see that?”

“If we go back there, I can show you his grave”

“But can he come back? Can I see him then?”

Here is where I found the conversation hard. Since I don’t believe in Heaven, you can’t tell them that. I did tell him that you can’t come back, despite my slight hopes for reincarnation, but then again, it isn’t like that makes you come back the same. I also don’t want to make him believe something I believe. I want him to have an open mind to everything that is out there. Sure, he is 4, but I like the idea that he isn’t subject to only one belief because of mine. I don’t know what happens when we die, and how rude of me to take away any form of hope from a small child. Luckily I was able to mostly end the conversation, but it was one of those conversations that is tough.

Russell Brand and Angelina Joile are both exactly one week older than me. Do I look that bad? Ok, in all fairness, I find Russell Brand kind of hot, but that is my own icky issues.

I am happy to report that it wasn’t a fluke.

1 comment:

jennimac said...

Russell Brand?? Seriously?? That hair?? Seriously??