Friday, June 5, 2009

Can I go home yet??


It is going to be a long day.

I had been coughing a bit more than normal yesterday, so I opted to take some of my cough syrup last night with the hopes that I would get some good sleep. This did in fact happen. Unfortunately, I have yet to wake up.

Oh, crap, I just realized I was writing and had just kind of zoned out.

I am going with “Too Soon” on this one. Some newspaper headline says “Hung Fu”. Just freaking wrong.

I had my sweet moment with Bobby yesterday. I was brushing his hair, and he leans his head into my chest. I start singing him the song I used to sing to him when he was a baby (Laugh all you want, but Eternal Flame just happened to come to me at the time, and it was easy enough to sing, and he always responded, so it stuck) and he just snuggled with me while I sang and brushed his hair. It was awesome.

My day yesterday was crazy. Everyone seemed to need me for something. I spent the day working on this crazy reconciliation all day, helped someone create answer sheets for a baby shower, helped someone get a government invoice set up for payment, handled a handful of my accounts, and scolded someone for not taking her medication for 4 days. Then I came home, went and got provisions for blueberry pancakes.

I was so sure they would like them. I mean, both enjoy blueberries. Both like pancakes. It is like a perfect combo of yummy goodness. To his credit, Dax ate about half before he decided he wanted a plain one. Bobby was offended at the little blue bubbling holes in his pancake. Such a shame. Although, I will pat myself on the back since the pancakes turned out fantastic. Best I have ever made.

I have put a season of the show Soap on my Netflix. I am very excited since it has this episode that my mom and I loved when I was little. We would watch the 10 minutes of this episode whenever we needed a good laugh. So I am going to record this for her so she has it on something other than VHS.

We have been happily watching season 1 of How I Met Your Mother. Disc one arrived a couple days ago and we have two episodes left, which means we should be able to get out this one in the mail tomorrow, with disc 2 coming by Tuesday. I just looked and including the two we have to watch tonight, we have another 16 of this season! Wow! Not that I mind. It is super funny, and even though I am enjoying the first season, I am pleased that based on the parts of season 2 we watched, it only keeps getting better. I feel kind of rushed to watch it all, but there is no reason to feel rushed anymore. Sure, I would like to be caught up by the time the 5th season starts so we can just jump in, but really, who needs to do that when we now have DVD?

I have coupons for a free dinner at Bennihanna and at Hometown Buffet. Yay birthday mailing list! I think it might be fun to hit up Hometown this weekend (maybe tonight?) since it will only cost the like $12 for Ken and the total of like $5 for the boys. Pretty cheap overall when you get right down to it. So I think I will propose this. If it is raining this afternoon, I might not go to my folks. Although, my mom didn’t get her full fix on Tuesday since she was running late. There was also talk of Bobby staying at their place tonight, but really, I think that I am just going to decline for now since he needs to get better about his whining. Last night he was better, but still, I need some routine. Hopefully Ken keeps with the not taking him to work today since he did whine a bit last night which was going to take away from that.

It is national donut day. I am so mad I didn’t know until AFTER I got to work. I so would have got donuts!

I am sticking it out today only because I have two days off next week. I can safely say that had I not, I would so be at home.

I am pretty sure HIMYM is going to become my new quote generator.

I think I am waking up a bit.

The boss’s boss just peaked his head around to say good morning to Tammy and I. Makes me nervous when he does this. He never says hi to us. Then again, I actually chit chatted with him a bit yesterday, so perhaps he was just continuing the being nice. He may actually say good morning to most of the dept, but since we are out of the way in terms of coming over to say hello, he just doesn’t get down here. Don’t know.

My bangs need a trim.

Why do people feel the need to cc everyone on little things?

Day is dragging at bit. It is now 9:30 and it feels like it should be 10:30 at least. Oh well. It will be over before I know it. The time between K&B and Ken’s call is always the longest.

My shoes squeak funny when I walk in the lunch room. Uncool.

Tammy is leaving at noon. I will be all alone back here.

1 comment:

jennimac said...

Should be called "The blog of one liners". ;-)