Friday, July 2, 2010

Is the weekend here yet?


Yay Friday! I love the realization on a Friday morning when the alarm goes off that tomorrow morning I don’t have an alarm to deal with.

My day today looks pretty basic. I know that I need to hit up Target tonight as I am lacking in makeup and I think I may need to pick up a bottle of wine.

I have a birthday party to go to next week! YAY! Alyssa’s son, Logan, turns 6 and he is having a party at Chuck E Cheese. What a perfect way to introduce the boys to that place. Should be a fun outing.

I do not want to be at work. I want to be home. Actually, I want to be out doing errands. I need to suck it up and last the day. I get 3 whole days in just a few short hours, so I need to be strong.

Fridays are boring. My email peeps are not around and I am stuck doing actual work. LOL!

Dax is too smart for his own good. Bobby went swimming yesterday and Dax said he didn’t want to go in. He said it was too cold. Ken put his hand in and told him it was actually quite warm. So Dax stuck not only his hand in, but put his arm way down deep. He then points out that it is cold deeper in the water. He of course was absolutely right!

I made the best chicken last night. I was actually a little bummed since I am starting to see that I am not just cooking dinner for 2 with left overs. I am cooking dinner for 4, where we might even run out of food. So it begins. Thankfully, I have always known how to cool for a small army, so that was all boot camp for the days ahead of me where I am cooking for 2 growing boys.

I thought I might miss it more, but I really don’t. There was a time when the 4th of July signified a day in which Ken and I would drop acid and go see a Will Smith movie. As much as I cherish the memories of those crazy nights, I think I am ok with them being over. I am not even sure I could do it again. Not for a while anyway. I still get nervous being drunk since I worry if something happens to one of the kids, who will take care of things. It is one thing to sober up off booze when something goes down. It is another thing entirely when frying.

Ok, bottle of wine may be out. But the make up has to happen. I was going to get 2, but I may just get one for now. If only the mall had a place I could get things like my makeup. I have a $20 gift card for there!

Sorry, pups. With our budget you will now be reduced to a less than premium dog food. I somehow doubt you will care as long as we keep feeding you.

You know how old people always end up collecting something? It could be spoons or dolls or maybe plates. I always assumed mine would be ducks, since I do have a lot. But at this rate, I am becoming concerned that it will actually be Build A Bears. I am obsessed with them. They have these new ones out today that are ice cream themed, and I want one! Here I am, 35, and I want a teddy bear. Sheesh.

I have a pencil sharpener for my eyeliner that I have had since Jr High. I got it from Thrifty’s in Redondo Beach, over by the mall. I shoplifted it. Seems a silly thing to shoplift. I had money and the thing was only like 50 cents. But I stole it. I slipped it in my pocket and went on my merry way. I love this sharpener. I would imagine that it isn’t any better than any new one I could get at Target. Yet I feel a special connection to it. I would have thought that it would have been lost or broken or replaced by now. It seems odd that it has not.

I have a feeling this afternoon is going to consist of annoying sales reps. Sigh. I suppose I should brace myself. If anything, at least I know that it will make the 3 day weekend even sweeter.

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