Thursday, July 29, 2010

Crazy morning


Yesterday work was good. At the company meeting, the head boss actually gave me kind of a shout out. He said that one employee told him that the meetings were too long, boring and that we should serve lunch during. He said he decided to take all my suggestions and ran with them. YAY! He didn’t say my name, but I will see him today in another meeting which is keeping me from going home on time. I will have to thank him!

In the afternoon, I found myself in the midst of a semi challenging report, which I love. I managed to finish it before I went home, so I was all kinds of proud of me.

I was still tired, though, and it occurred to me that it was gorgeous out, and there would be no children home for a bit, so I could take my nap out in the beautiful sunshine. It was awesome! I laid out and listened to some tunes, all the while, soaking up the wonderful sunshine. Occasionally I did get a dog shower since Luna would go and swim for a bit, then come over to check in with me. Lycos simply hung out near me, chewing on some toy that sounded super nasty. It was perfect.

Ken and the boys got home and I told them they could strip down and swim. This pleased them, so the three of us went in (no way was Ken getting in that water. It was only like 70 degrees!). I warned Bobby to be careful a couple of times since he was jumping into the pool without looking to see that he wasn’t going to land on a person or dog. He clearly wasn’t listening to me. I swam along and then found myself dunked under as a 50 pound kid landed on my head. Holy fuck that hurt. I jumped up and Bobby apologized. I was not having it. I told him he was done. See, the thing is, I have told him this before. Plus, he has already jumped on me before! I was done. He was super upset, but I needed him to understand that sure, it was me this time, but had it been Dax?

I was in gobs of pain. It hurt my head and neck. I had to get out of the pool. Dax swam for a while more with Luna. They chased each other and seemed to have a good ole time. Eventually the wind picked up and it was chilly, so Dax went inside. I had to make dinner, anyway.

The boys spent the evening naked. Ahh, summer time when you are young!

We put them to bed actually right on time, which was awesome. Dax, who tends to yell out a lot, managed to settle when I handed him a cat book. He had been telling me he wasn’t tired, so I told him to look at the pictures in this book, which contained only pictures of cats doing funny things. It is like 200 pages, too, so I knew it would take him a while to go through. Occasionally I would hear him laugh, but before long, he settled and fell asleep.

Bobby was a little more restless. It was a shame he didn’t swim more since it would have ensured his sleep. But all in all, it didn’t take him too long.

I am tired this morning, but I am managing so far. I expect that once I get this one spreadsheet I will wake up. Until then, I am dinking around, hoping the day speeds up.

Sigh. I really wish people would do their job correctly. I have an account that was just set up that has written on it that it is approved for a credit line of $70K, yet the broad who did it set it up for $50K. So now, when the orders total $70K, they are held up. Sigh. Just do your job, people. Don’t make it up as you go. Sheesh.

Groovy 60’s event at the Kidgits event at So Fresh Market on Saturday. I know where we will be at 10 am on Saturday. I know the kids will not appreciate a lot of the freebies, but their mother will. YAY!

Ok, I am half way done on this mega spreadsheet. At this rate, I don’t anticipate it being done until tomorrow. I have stop for other accts in between it and it is super time consuming. Oh well. At least I know it isn’t due for a week.

I am wondering if it wouldn’t just be easier across the board to require 3 things when you are pulled over. Driver’s License, Proof of Insurance, and Proof of Citizenship. That way it isn’t just Hispanics feeling like they are being picked on. Everyone needs to have all three things. I would be more than willing to carry that sort of id.

Sorry, I don’t want to really get all political, but with the Arizona thing in full force of the news today and all week, I had to mention it. I still and standing with the Arizona law makers on this. I think that it is a law that is needed. I understand that it is a federal issue, but the federal government doesn’t nearly as much involvement as the states do.

Ok, I am done.

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