Friday, July 30, 2010

causing trouble possibly


It is morning and I think I am functional.

Wow, talk about wacky dreams. Let me see if I can remember all of it. I know that the objective was to get to Vegas. It took a lot to get there, and we never made it. I wish I could figure out what Vegas means in my dreams. It seems to be a common goal lately.

A military helicopter showed up at one point to drop off two kids to us that were not ours but due to some kind of paperwork, they were our kids, and the kids knew this. Bobby and Dax were thrilled.

A man stole Dax’s red fuzzy backpack. Security was horrid. I am sure that was a concert flashback.

There was a flood. One of the adopted kids lost his retainer in the flood. I had to hold Dax’s dinosaur cards to keep them from getting wet. And some meds, I don’t remember whose those were.

We were supposed to leave like 100 times, but people kept sleeping or doing weird things.

There was a donkey.

We ended up in Venice, or something that I knew was Venice but looked nothing like it. There was Mexican food.

On the way to Venice, there were things on the side of the road that consisted of random giant ads for the movies Toy Soldiers and Toy Story. Lots of action figures yelling at us.

Dax and Bobby had suitcases I didn’t know we had. Dax had a Thomas the Tank one and Bobby had a Star Wars one. They were cute.

So needless to say, it was a crazy night. I know that it effected me so much that when I woke up, I was sure I was in a hurry.

My day ahead of me is busy. I have to finish this spreadsheet. I ended up having to work on a different one when I came in because the boss needed it right away. I also dinked around with co workers. That’s right, I am taking full advantage of the relaxed Friday atmosphere.

There was a lot of colonoscopy talk. I am sure Ken will not be thrilled. I was pleased with myself when I got Bobby to ask Ken if he was really getting a picture of his butt at the doctor’s office. Bobby was quite interested in the whole procedure. If I knew for sure he and I could be in the procedure room the whole time, I would so bring him along. But as of now, I am going to see if my mom wants to spend the morning with him.

After work, I am getting the boys (one from daycare, one from Camp) and going to see my folks who have been in Seattle or on a train all week. After that outing, we are going to meet Ken at the mall to get him some cheap shorts due to gift cards and a coupon. Woo hoo! I have not decided on dinner at the mall or if I will use another coupon and go to Hometown Buffet.

I am thinking of doing the all liquid diet with Ken on Monday. It is like when cancer patients lose their hair and their family shave their heads for support. I am so not shaving my head, but chicken broth all day seems doable.

OMG-They were talking about Chelsea Clinton getting married, and how she is “royalty”. Bean then says, “well, if she is our royalty, let’s direct her to a Paris tunnel.” I almost died laughing.

Its funny, I don’t feel stressed this week. Yet my dreams were very stressed. I think perhaps I am not handling my stress correctly.

I had a crazy allergy attack last night when I was cleaning Raticus’s cage. Not fun. But it was worth it to see her so happy! She is such a good rat! She hung out on Ken’s shoulder, all kinds of happy. Then when we put her back in the cage, she was so excited! Love that!

Is today over?!?!?!?!

When I say today, I mean work day today. I am so ready for a weekend. Although, I can’t complain too much. This week flew by!

Yay! Doug might come over Saturday. That will be cool. He promises lots of juicy entertainment dirt for blogging purposes. Can’t wait!!

I am upset. iTty is dead! The battery just needs charging. It isn’t the end of the world, but man, I am missing music of my choice!

I am feeling way too groovy today. I am chipper, I am happy, I am rockin! I suppose this isn’t a bad thing. It is just one of those things.

Ok, look, Ken, I love you, but I am tired of my sympathy butt pains. I have been ok since my issues in the beginning of the week. Just now, more blood. In all fairness, I noticed that my booty be burnin (that was for Ken), and I am not starting to be concerned that I may need to check things like my blood pressure. Sheesh.

Ken is thinking he may be done with cleanup at the camp and may even be home when I get there. This means I might not have to go to the school to pick up Bobby. That will be nice if only because the traffic down there blows.

I am causing trouble at work I think. We will see.

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