Monday, July 12, 2010

Kaflooey Work Day


My weekend felt so unproductive despite some of the results.

Friday evening we went to Logan’s birthday party. The boys were quite excited since this would be their first visit to Chuck E Cheese’s. I was excited since I knew that they would have fun and I would get to see my friend!

We were the first to arrive (of course!). Alyssa and her family were just pulling up when we got there. We went back to the party area where our tables would be situated. It seemed that we were in the best table since at the end of the kids’ table was the Chuck E Cheese stage where the mouse himself sang songs every 15 minutes or so. When he first started singing, Bobby was fascinated, whereas Dax was a little intimidated. By the end of the evening, all of the kids were anxiously awaiting him to come out again and they crowded around his performance as if they were groupies at a Beatles concert.

The security at Chuck E Cheese is awesome. When you first go in, they stamp your arm and your kid’s arm with a specific number that can only be seen with a black light. The entrance and exit are monitored so that no kid can leave without being with a grownup with the same number. This is awesome for the crazy mommies (read-Gena) who are worried that their kid would be snatched up at a location like this. It allowed me to let the boys run around the place without worrying about it.

Ken and I did follow the boys around per their request in the beginning. Both of them needed some assistance in how to work the games. Once they knew how, it wasn’t hard for them to keep doing it. They both really love air hockey. I am thinking that an air hockey table may be an excellent Christmas gift for the two of them.

The only real issue we had was when it was cake time and the kids were all sitting at the table waiting for the singing and festivities to begin. Dax told me he was thirsty, so I told him I would go get him more to drink. Bobby looked panicked when I was heading out, and I assured him I would be back shortly. I wasn’t gone more than 5 minutes, and got Dax his drink. The problem was, Bobby didn’t see me return. I was now standing off near the grownup table since it seemed more appropriate for all the kids to be at the cake part. Bobby looked worried, and Ken, who had been near by, made eye contact with him. Bobby broke down. He thought I had left. In fact, I was in such a position that Bobby could have seen me had this one chick not been right in our line of vision. I felt so bad!!

They had so much fun! They were beat when we finally headed out around 8:30. I think we were some of the last kids there aside from nieces and nephews.

On the way there, for some reason Bobby did get into a conversation with Ken about who had died. I think someone had mentioned someone dying, so of course Bobby inquired as to who died. We of course, in full smart ass form, responded with several names of people who had died like celebrities, etc. Ken then says very matter of factly, “Jesus”. Bobby then perks up and says, “Oh! Like where were are going? Chuck E Jesus??” Needless to say, I almost had to pull over from laughing so hard.

Saturday morning was entertaining. We went over to Del Amo Mall where they had their Kidgits event which was pirate themed. All of us went in skull shirts and when we got there, the boys were presented with wonderful goody bags that included hats, eye patches and other awesome stuff. We made some necklaces and bookmarks. What I think the boys liked best, though, was that some other little boy decided they all three needed to play together. So all of them did sword fighting and running around, having a good ole time. It was awesome!

The afternoon was spent out back. Bobby and I went in the pool, and Dax and Ken played in the yard. I knew I had other responsibilities, but I did like being kind of lazy. I did at least do some exercises in the form of trying to show Bobby how to kick his legs in the pool. Actually, all pool activities are incredibly exhausting.

Sunday morning I made my triumphant return to being a bowling participant instead of just a spectator. My first game was amazing, scoring a 174, which is so unlike me. Of course, I rounded it out with two suck fest games afterwards. LOL!

I forgot how tiring that is, too. My arm still hurts a little. Plus, when keeping up with the boys and bowling, you want to lie down afterwards. I didn’t have such luxury as we needed to do a Target and grocery store run. By the time we got home, I was beat. Of course, my day was only just beginning. We had to put away said groceries, do laundry, and do some light cleaning around the house. Plus, I helped Ken put up a few things into the attic. I also went through a couple boxes and bags of stuff from said attic. I managed to compile a giant bag of stuff to take to the local donation bin.

I also managed to build a Lego set. Man, those are a pain in the ass.

I have now come to a complete stand still in my brain. I feel sleepy. I also made the mistake of going outside to my car to bring in the roller skates I had come across to give to my coworker. It is that wonderful gloomy morning weather that makes me want to get the heck out of this office. I want to bail on work. I don’t even know what I want to do, but I want to not be here.

Despite the fact that I don’t want to have a giant party for Dax’s birthday when he is only turning 4 (I am thinking 5 is the official birthday party year), I do want a small celebration. I am getting him the Woody’s Roundup Gang, so I thought that some kind of cowboy themed shin dig was in order. I need stick horses and cowboy hats. I even considered hay bails in the yard. Of course, this kind of effort would mean I should have some other people there aside from my two kids. LOL! I am hoping Sabrina will show up, along with maybe Logan. Perhaps a kid or two from other sources, also. We will see.

Bobby has a full day of camp today. I guess last week the whole camp is only a half day. Today, he is there from 9 to 4:30! That is a long day for a kid. Luckily, he changes activities every hour. I think he has chess, more basketball, Lego, and some kind of kinder prep class, which is a lot of different things. I am guessing he is going to be slightly cranky when he gets home. He is going to be tired, so I am hoping to figure out something to cheer him.

When I get home, I do need to do some housework. I neglected it this weekend, but I figure I can finish up some of it this afternoon. It mostly concerns putting away some laundry, and putting some of the quilts away that are currently blocking my bedroom window. I need some air flow!!

Ken informs me this morning that at some point last night I was talking in my sleep. I was saying no over and over, and then at the end of this, I said, no mom. Ken said he nudged me enough to make me stop, but I have zero recollection of this. I am one of those folks who can remember a good chunk of their dreams. Hell, I have reoccurring dreams in which I actually sort out problems. It is incredibly annoying that I have forgotten this one.

Andy is hoping to get us plane tickets to go up on the weekend of the 24th. We are going up for his birthday weekend. We would not have been able to leave LA until close to 5 o’clock, therefore, not getting there until well after midnight. We would then be leaving pretty early on Sunday. Andy called me yesterday and was super jazzed we were coming, but was hoping we could stay longer. Ken and Bobby have class on Monday, so we can’t stay an extra day. Andy thought perhaps with us flying, it would give us more time. It probably would, so that might be good. I will once again be bummed about not taking my dogs, but with it being such a whirlwind visit, and a good chunk of Saturday night being spent in Roseville to see Adam Lambert (YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!) the dogs would not get as much out of the visit. Besides, we can always go up in August. I just want to get Luna in the river. Of course, it might be better to wait until next year if only because she will have a smidge less puppy in her and will listen to me better. LOL!!

The boys were asleep last night, and Ken had gone to take a shower and I found myself sitting in the living room with two happy dogs at my feet and a happy cat in my lap. I am telling you, that was blissful.

The dogs were feeling pretty happy all yesterday because we gave them some flea treatment. We had an outbreak of the buggers recently, so they had been itching up a storm. We need to get some more boric acid, as this always helps. We treated the critters, which you could see an immediate feeling of relief. I think they were grateful.

Work is being annoying and I am now wishing I had run away from work today. To top it off, I opted to get myself a soda to calm my nerves and the fucking machine ate my money. I am not kidding when I say I almost broke down in tears. I hate it when work days are kaflooey.

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