Friday, July 16, 2010

Damaged Goods


I think I may be damaged goods.

I got home yesterday and managed to walk past my oblivious boys (thank goodness for a certain sponge who lives under the sea) and crawl into bed without detection. Ken ran a bit of interference, but really, since they were heading out soon, it was not a big deal. I fell into a nice sleep for 3 hours. I had KROQ on, and DR Drew must have been on since I had him in my dream on a run away train in an old west setting. He looks pretty damn good in western wear.

I woke up to Lycos barking at, well I have a feeling it was just air. I went and played around on Facebook for a bit and checked email. I determined that I was going to just vege out since it was already hot.

The dogs joined me in the living room and we watched some Kathy Griffin. Ken called me a little after noon to ask me if there were two checks on the desk, which there were. He had needed them as he needed to deposit them. So I volunteered to come down to get his John Hancock and deposit them. So the dogs and I set out.

It has been a little while since the pups have had full run of the car on a trip. Lycos sat shotgun all proud and pleased with herself. Luna ran around the rest of the car, enjoying her freedom.

We went to the school where Bobby was sitting on a table with Ken, finishing lunch. He was all pleased to see me, but what was even better was that he didn’t get upset when I left. I walked past him and his classmates on the way out and he looked like he was having a blast. I loved watching it unnoticed.

The dogs and I went by the bank, then home. By the time we were driving home, Luna had claimed shotgun and Lycos went into “driving position” which means the foot space under the passenger seat. They both were thrilled.

When we got home, I set to cleaning up the mess on the desk that I had made looking for the checks. I ended up doing a much more thorough cleaning than planned. There had been ants on the desk and I was determined to find out what they were going after. After I cleaned, scrubbed, organized and made the whole entry way, desk and work area nice, I couldn’t find anything these little fuckers were going after. Turned out this was just a cooler place than outside. Dammit I hate these ants.

During this time I also noticed we were without net access. Sigh. Not good. I am home, needing to rest, and I had no net??? What is a girl to do? Apparently cleaning house was my option. I was pleased with the results, and actually, I figured this was good physical activity since I was nervous that a 3 hour nap would throw off my sleep schedule last night. So I did the kitchen, living room, and when Dax got home, we did a quick job on their rooms and worked on the yard. I then slow cooked some teriyaki chicken on the BBQ and all was pleasant.

Ken and Bobby got home way late due to traffic. Bobby was clearly tired, and having mini breakdowns here and there. Ken was frustrated as he had dealt with it the whole way home and was on his last nerve. So I went into uber patient mommy mode and managed to keep my own cool longer than normal as I got them fed, washed and put to bed with only a few minor incidents.

Ken and I talked about my exhaustion and there is some feelings that apnea may be to blame. He said that it has been worse in the last couple weeks, which I can so see since I have noticed my throat feeling tight lately. I have always wanted to get my tonsils out, but doctors have been against this. My dad had to practically force them to take his out. Jenni said she had hers out and it helped her apnea quite a bit. I have always had giant ones (this is what doctors have told me, mind you) so I think that removing them is a reasonable way to help me out. I am going to make an appt next week to see the doc. I figure Dax and I need TB tests, so we might as well do those and talk to the doc about the tonsils at the same time.

Last night was hot, and I could never get comfortable. Monarch didn’t help matters. Every time I rolled over, he would attack my feet, which pissed me off. I tried to kick him off, which only resulted in more scratches. Stupid cat.

This morning I am thrilled that I have a weekend only a few hours away. We have to go out to Anaheim tonight to get Lego, which only sucks because out Disneyland passes are in a blackout time right now, and it means that we can’t go into the park, which will piss off the boys. Oh well. I get to go check out the Build A Bear since they have some awesome alien now, and I need to go to the Disney store to price out Dax birthday presents. Hopefully the boys just are happy with the adventure.

Stephanie and Sabrina are coming tomorrow afternoon, which will ROCK! I am way looking forward to some girl talk and letting the kids run around. Plus, it is an excellent excuse to update my now fading tan. I think I need to have Ken make up some margaritas.

I suppose I have work I should be doing today, but I am laying low and just kind of dinking around this morning. We have already had 2 black outs, which although only last like 15 seconds each, is still going to end up being fun today.

It looks like we are flying up north next week and not driving. I will miss the pups, but it is such a quick trip, they would have been locked away too much. I think our flight out on Friday night will be hectic since Dax and I will be picking up Ken and Bobby from the school and then running to the airport. Woo! But on the plus side, we will get into Sac at like 7:30 which means we get to the compound around 8:30. So this is nicer over all. Plus, we will get to stay on Sunday a little later. It means I will pack light so we only have a couple of carry on. I need to get the mini seats from my parents since those worked well.

Squeeze is playing in 2 weeks at Universal. I so want to go! Of course, I don’t know a whole lot of people who would want to see them. LOL!

I think that I need to go get this wonderful knit beret I saw at Target. I am guessing it is already sold out, but hopefully I can luck out if I run over there this weekend. I also really want one of these cheesy cowboy hats, but I may come to my senses before I purchase that.

Would a skull and crossbones with a girly bow on it look silly on my foot?

Of course, I love the idea of a red bow, not pink. I also kind of think the black skull is kind of cool, but I am wondering if a white skull is best. I like number three on these, but picture it in white, with black heart eyes?

If I keep talking about tattoos, perhaps Ken will get used to it. I have a list of things I want now. The skull, the Dax Skeleanimal, and a star. Let’s all cross our fingers that Maryann gives me gobs of money and maybe I will need to do a tattoo weekend!

It was hot enough last night that I may need to turn on the fans in the boys’ rooms. I think even they were uncomfortable.

Crud. The boss is here.

If Taco Bell had margaritas, they would be the most perfect place ever.

I need a black tank top that is low cut in the front and back.

I have been busy harassing customers all morning, and luckily time seems to be moving at a brisk pace. Of course, as I type that I realize the jinx monster will come out and bite me in the ass. Oh well. What can you do, right?

Jenni just told me you don’t get ice cream for a tonsillectomy. You get soup! Hmm, how interesting. Of course, it makes some sense. The ice cream will make phlegm which isn’t good for a recently operated on throat. But I still wonder if something like sorbet or sherbet would work. Mmmm…rainbow sherbet. That sounds nummy.

Have I mentioned how much I miss Tammy? I get days where I feel so lonely in my cube.

Wow, that could be dangerous. I put solitaire on iTty. I just started playing a game for the hell of it. Sheesh, I could sit there and play that all damn day. Luckily, someone would not see what I was doing. They would assume I am sending a text. Of course, this is all if someone even comes to my desk!!! I can turn the thing off in a second. I am tempted!

Ok, I played a full game, and I won. No one came to my desk. Sheesh, I realize I have like a half dozen games on there I could easily play with no one knowing.

Crud. I had downloaded this app called Talking Carl where you talk to it and it repeats you. Turns out, I don’t have a microphone on the iTouch. Dammit!!

I have now been playing around online to see if I could find any random cousins online. It turns out, most of the cousins on my mom’s side don’t play on the net. I don’t know the ones on my dad’s side well enough, but I can’t seem to locate any of them, either. Sheesh. You would think at least one of them would have Facebook. I may need to tell my dad to ask them next time he speaks to his sibs. It seems like an easy way to keep in touch.

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