Thursday, July 1, 2010

Why is the day dragging


I am feeling pretty well this morning. I am still tired, but I feel as though that will never change.

I have started going through my Picasa albums and adding tags. I think that if I tag them based on some broad subjects like High School or Weddings, then later I may add names as additional tags. This way they are a little more organized. It is a daunting task since I have so freaking many. Plus, there are pics from times in which I can’t just lump them into say High School because they are after I graduated, yet they are not any specific event. I may just need to tag those based on the people. Or maybe just say 1993 through 1995. LOL! We will see. I may also use where I worked at the time. It gives me a good idea of time span. I figure with the boys’ pics, I have a month and year, so that will be an easy tag. Ken got out the scanner for me, so I am excited to get to work on some more pics. I almost need a file cabinet that I can store all the pics in some kind of folders. I don’t see that happening, but I can dream. I really just need to hit up Pic N Save one day and get like 100 albums and start putting all pictures in them if I have scanned them. If they are not scanned, they stay loose in the box. It shouldn’t be too hard since at some point, I run out of pictures to scan since I went digital.

Last night I went and hung out with Brandy. It was fun to be able to just do girl talk and play with her menagerie. I think that I need to make a point to spend more time with my girlfriends. I know I talk to them a lot during the day via email, but it isn’t the same. I should be going to dinner with them and have a couple of cocktails and just bull shit about nothing.

I am feeling rather unmotivated this morning. I need to get my ass in gear and go over some accounts. But with there being a 3 day weekend in my future, I can’t help but zone out.

In the last hour I have been uber productive. I told a customer I didn’t give a shit about his idle threats about no longer being our customer. I hunted down contact information on a deadbeat customer. I solved a couple of account mysteries. I have been on fire. The only problem with all of this is that it all only took an hour. Grrr…it should have sustained me for like 4. LOL!

I have a desire to go to Disneyland this evening. It turns out today and tomorrow are the only days it isn’t blackout time for our pass in July. It will be insanely crowded, though, so it may not be a great idea. Besides, I think I need an evening in which I can let the kids and dogs play when there are no other plans.

My customer just called me wonderful and magnificent. I forwarded the email to my boss. He was happy about this and asked if we should now call me WMG. LOL!!!

Well, that kind of sucks, yet at the same time is kind of cool. I had been under the impression this whole time that Monday the 5th was a holiday not only for me, but for Ken as well. I know Camp VIP starts next week, but I assumed it would start on Tuesday. In fact, it does not. It starts Monday. This means that Bobby has class, and Ken has class. The sucky is because I had hoped for a family day of doing nothing. We would be able to sleep in, go in the pool and just hang out. Now, we will be doing other things. The plus of the other things is that now, I get to take Bobby to his first class. In addition to that, I can hang out with just Dax for a couple hours, and then we can pick up Bobby at noon, when the class is over, and I can take them to a celebratory lunch for a class well done at McDonalds. Ken doesn’t have a second class in the afternoon, so if we do come up with something else to do, he will join us. Otherwise, he will probably stick around and continue his organization. Hell, Bobby may even want to help him with that, so really, the whole day is being played by ear.

Sunday, the plan is BBQ at my parents’ house. We are doing dinner there, along with some crafts since my mom would like the boys to make big pictures (similar to the ones she has that Matt and I did when we were little) so that she can frame them and put them in her new office. This should be fun. Then after this, we are driving down to the beach to find a spot for fireworks. Yay!

Now, the question is, what should Dax and I do for a couple of hours? We could go down to the park. We could go to the beach and hang out. We could go do breakfast together. We could go see a movie. We could just go to Target! LOL! Really, it will be up to him. I will see what floats his little boat.

The net is a wonderful thing, but sometimes I think it has too much info, and not anything useful. Sigh. I tried looking for activities that Dax and I can do, but found nothing of interest. The only thing that looked like it might work was SEALAB in Redondo, but of course it is closed on Mondays. LOL!

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