Friday, January 6, 2012

Board meeting


It’s official. I am the treasurer for AYSO region 15. Ken and I attended the board meeting for last night, where I met other board members. I was nervous in the idea that most of the people there have been part of this region for a few years. Thankfully, the commissioner and a couple of the guys who have been there the longest seem to adore me and this makes life much easier.

I did spend some time playing my active listening game. I enjoy fucking with people who are speaking to a group. I engage them while they are supposed to be talking to everyone and get them to basically focus solely on me. It is a silly game, but I feel like some kind of muse when they get so involved with talking to me that they actually lose track of where they were. LOL! I had one guy doing that a couple times last night.

Turns out I have a couple of training sessions coming for this position. I have a webinar in a couple weeks, and then in April, Ken and I will attend this AYSO section meeting in Anaheim in April where there are several classes that we need to take, and this may be the best way to do it. It means I will hit up my folks to watch the kids that weekend.

I also am going to ask the boys if they want to play in the Spring league. I know, that is a lot, but if the boys would like to do it, it seems like fun. I enjoyed the soccer life. They may choose not to, which is cool with me. Either way, I want them to know it is on the table.

Ken cleaned the shit out of my house yesterday. It is actually sparkling. I am very excited. It means I don’t have to worry about it at all this weekend. This is nice, but sometimes unnerving since it means I get a little antsy with nothing to do. LOL!

Ken also will be reffing all day tomorrow, so I will need to find something to do with the boys. We will probably visit him at least once during the day. Although, I think I will stay near home as I am making a turkey tomorrow just because. I wanted the protein to have on hand for breakfasts next week, and this one was on sale.

My twitchy is very active the last couple days. I wish I could predict or understand what triggers these high spots. I don’t feel very stressed right now, and if anything, I do actually feel pretty peaceful. Perhaps it is a hormone thing? I am coming off my period right now. Of course, it could have no “reason” and it just is what it is.

Despite the 3 cups of tea this morning (hmm…perhaps that would explain the twitchy?), I am still sleepy. We got home about 9 last night, and didn’t get to bed until a little after 10. With my nose still struggling with this minor cold, I couldn’t get as comfy as I would have liked. I may take some Nyquil tonight to get some good Zzzz’s since I can sleep in.

In Feb, it looks like we will be going to see the release of Phantom Menace in 3D. The Brenan men in my house are quite thrilled, so that should be fun.

The trainer at work is going to come and go over a routine with me hopefully next week. I am only looking for a 30 minute workout for now. I think I need to start slow. Plus, I will still be walking. Maryann says that her workout with him really only is about 20 minutes since there is 10 minutes or warm up/cool down. It is intense, which is perfect. I wonder how many more calories this will burn. I am curious if I will see a more obvious difference quickly or if it will take some time. I also wonder if my numbers will go down differently in the idea that I will be getting some muscle.

Interesting topic on the radio; this woman got a traffic ticket, and a couple days later, the cop who had issued it went to her house and left a note indicating he thought she was cute/sweet and that he would love to take her out. She of course sued, since isn’t that the logical thing now? Lame. Either way, they are discussing whether or not the cop was creepy for using his access to her address. I think she has over reacted. Why can’t some guy ask you out? Now, if he showed up a bunch of times, sure, it would get creepy, but I think we as a society have gotten way too squeamish. Sometimes there is no ulterior motive and people just happen to want to get to know you. Maybe I am the naiveté one. What do you think?

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