Monday, January 23, 2012

piercings and tidepools


Despite the pain in my legs on Friday, I did manage to walk to the school. I did take the old, shorter route, and it did take me almost 30 minutes (which is pretty sad considering it normally takes about 10), but I did it!

This pain put quite the damper on a lot of my activities over the weekend. Friday night I could have gone to Howl with Kam, but I opted to not sit on a stool for several hours. On Saturday, while the boys and Ken walked out on the rocks and explored tide pools, I opted to stay up near the parking lot. Luckily, I had the feral kitties to keep me company. By Sunday, I did manage to walk to the clothing donation bin with the family and did not have Ken pull me back in the wagon. LOL!

I feel better today, and will resume my weight training, with steps ups that are not as high. Ken spoke to Aaron’s trainer, Judd, who said really, the height of my step ups were way too high for me right out of the gate. Hopefully there is something like a step in the gym today so I can utilize that for my step ups. I did a little light yoga yesterday, which really helped stretch me out, so this is good. I also noted that at night I actually had a better time of healing. My legs were toasty warm under the covers, and I tend to bend my legs while I sleep, which meant I was stretched out. All good.

On Saturday, we went to the piercing place So Cal Tattoo recommended and I got my nipple pierced. I love the guy there. He was really nice and funny. He also was ok with the boys and Ken being in the room with us. In fact, he told Ken and I that we might be the best parents he has seen. We were very matter of fact with the boys, and they thought the whole thing was interesting, and were more than ok with everything.

I do think I made the piercer a little nervous at exactly HOW relaxed I was during it.

After our long outing on Saturday that included a drive along the coast, shopping at the new Goodwill in MB, and wandering the rocks and tidepools, we made it home where we would meet up with Sandra. She came by with several boxes of Doug’s clothing. There also was some comic books and other books including one that was his favorite as a kid. This one was pretty exciting since it was written by a woman who wrote one of my favorite books as a kid.

In addition to the clothing, she brought me a couple of rings, one of which was one that was his favorite and one he has had since High School. There also was a really amazing Celtic ring that he loved. In my rummaging through the boxes, there were a couple of stuff monkeys that I am sure she included for the boys. What I am guessing she didn’t know about was this little necklace that is a little hook with a skeleton carved into it. It is really cool. I love these things.

Sunday was spent at the house. It was nice. Ken and I worked on the Valentine bags, we did laundry, and we worked on other random projects around the house. We even sent the boys on down to NB’s house so we could have our own time for a bit. Hee hee!

I resisted the urge over the weekend to go into Fantastic Sams. I am planning on trimming my bangs so that they frame my face. Not a major cut, so I didn’t want to spend the money right now. Perhaps right before Vegas.

It is a sad and happy day this morning for my friends with their critters. Sad news is that poor Brandy must say her goodbyes to Stinkerbell this morning. It is such a shame, especially since she is so very young. On a happier note, Stephanie is bringing home her new addition of a sweet pup from the shelter that she found yesterday. Goodbye, Stink, and welcome pup. Hugs to all.

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