Thursday, January 5, 2012

Happy 2012


I am hovering near the 250 mark. I am excited at this since it is a great starting point for this year. My pants size is down, my ambition is up. Although I still fight off the demons, I have weapons at my disposal in the form of spunk and tenacity.

I don’t want to put forth any lofty goals or resolutions for my new year. My main focus is to stay the course on my health and to make sure to not hate myself for occasional Taco Bell binges. Hopefully along the way I will also improve other aspects of my life and learn from mistakes I will undoubtedly make.

I have been reading a book called Willpower. My mom loaned it to me and so far it has been fascinating. It discusses the different theories and beliefs revolving the power of you. It isn’t some self-help book. It mostly goes over different studies done with willpower and how people respond to different stimuli. It is a strength in us that needs to be exercised, and too often, we don’t appreciate its power and involvement. We often just chalk up our lack of willpower to us being weak. We are not weak. We just need to allocate our energies better and more importantly, be aware of where our energies lie. This isn’t just something to keep in mind when you are dieting or trying to quit smoking. Willpower and personal strength come into play over every second of our lives. I am learning a lot from this book.

Ken and the boys started work on painting the trim of the house. Hopefully through our little projects, our house will be better for entertaining. I want the movie nights both in the yard and house. I will need some kind of decorative container for Benadryl for guests that cannot handle the dander, but other than that, I think that we can make it fun. I found my shot spinners in the party cabinet this weekend and I think I need to dust them off and give em a whirl.

The living room is logically the next huge project. Getting rid of the horrid wood paneling is a daunting task. We have left it up mostly because despite it being ugly, it is decent enough to leave up for now. I may start the process of moving the wall words into the playroom, making that whole room a school and playroom. I also need to start thinking of a good color scheme for the room. I also need to start saving up for a nice couch. My thoughts right now are a pale yellow, with maybe a warm brown bottom half. This would allow most couch colors, and would go ok with the entertainment center we have already. Then I would like to get some pretty frames and put up some good pics of the family and what not and put those up in there.

I think the entry way needs to be purple.

I think I also need to start playing the lottery.

Maybe if I start walking more places I can save money on gas. If I need to go to Target, I can easily walk up there. Granted, I should not do huge shopping trips since I would need to cart it all back, and I would need to really schedule things, but perhaps it is doable?

I could always get one of those cute little bag carts.

The problem with thinking of these goals is that I then get overwhelmed. Nothing will get done. So I will leave the dreaming for the blog for now.

Why was Sigourney Weaver in my dream last night dressed up kind of like one of those old cars people fix up and make the super bright colors? She had on a pink mini skirt and lots of blue eyeliner and kept grabbing my ass. This was part of a strange story line in which there were these two girls hanging out where one was rich and naiveté and the other was poor and brilliant. They became friends, helping each other with the things they lack. What was really funny/odd was that every time Sigourney grabbed my ass, Bootylicious by Beyonce came on. Oh, there was also some odd place we were at where some guy had just gotten in some shipment of a bunch of mice that I had to catch since they had all gotten out in this warehouse. Everyone else was afraid to touch them, so I was scooping up mice left and right.

The trainer at work is going to hopefully meet with me at work next week to give me a workout plan. My idea is to start using the gym after work. I am going to sign the boys up for YDP and they can stay afterschool until about 3, which is only 45 minutes. It just means play time for them for a bit. I can then workout from 1:30 or so until 2ish, go home, walk up to get the boys on my 2 and a half mile walk and still get them home at a reasonable hour to do homework and cook dinner. I figure I have a free gym, trainer and childcare that is all going to waste. Why not use it!

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