Friday, January 20, 2012

Ouch Ouch Ouch Ouch


I normally start my blog around 5:30 in the morning, if not earlier. It is now after 7. I am a little out of it. I am sore and stiff. My workout, although awesome, has left me battered. The act of sitting in particular is hard. Not fun for someone who has to go to the bathroom a great deal due to how much water I drink. Standing back up is also a challenge. Walking is awkward, and I have a real issue with it. My plan is to still try to do at least some of my workout. I can handle the items that don’t tax my thighs in particular. I will still probably do my walk this afternoon, but we will see how I feel.

I am also tired. It is hard to get comfortable when you are stiff and sore. Thankfully I will have a couple of factors on my side tonight. I will have the glorious sound of rain outside and the knowledge I can sleep in. I may also be going out, so perhaps a good buzz will work to my advantage.

In a bit of a shock, this marks the 3rd week in a row in which I have not needed to leave early or take a day off. Of course, it also means I am itching to leave. LOL!

I wonder if I can go get pierced this weekend.

I hate my stomach.

Ken showed me a coupon for Old Navy, and so I put two items in the cart for him to order. I didn’t hear back from him, and I checked my Old Navy account and found that no orders had been placed. I proceeded to monitor shop for a bit, adding stuff to the cart. Ken then places the order last night, and then notes after the fact that he purchases everything. LOL! Oops. Although, I now am not sure if he even placed that order since I don’t see it on the acct still.

Ok, seriously, my legs are killing me. As the day is progressing, I am really noting the pain I am in. Fuck. Fuck I say! I will be unable to do squats or the step ups. Rowing and pull downs should be fine. I think I can do the push-ups too. I may need to take advantage of my spa tub later. Although in reading about strains, I might need ice. I hate that there are so many pieces of advice for how to treat pain.

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