Thursday, June 7, 2012

Dammit, Kings



Ok, I didn’t actually expect the Kings to win last night, but it would have been nice. It was a tense game, and some damn good hockey. Still, it is heartbreaking and stressful to watch. Being a superstitious fan, I worry I screwed them up. I wore a Kings hat, which was not part of the wardrobe the last 3 wins. No hat on Saturday.

My icky feeling stayed with me most of the day, but it was way less awful by the time I got to the gym at 10:30. I think my kick ass walk helped a great deal. I am sure my jubilation at having lost 5 pounds may have also kicked the ick right in the ass.

My boss seems to be in a major meltdown these days. He is more forgetful than normal, which is saying something, and he is stressed on little things he would normally not even think about. I do not like it when he gets this way because he transforms from boss who leaves me the fuck alone into uber micro managing psycho fucktard. I hate it. The worst part about it is that he doesn’t think for himself.

I have determined that is my new biggest pet peeve. The boys do it to a point where I am pretty much fed up with any questions from them. Sure, asking questions is how we learn, but sometimes you need to ask yourself the questions. Make some observations on your own and try to figure it out yourself. I am a huge fan of the fact that many of the things I want to know have already been discovered and answered for me. I can pull up Google and type in anything I want and within seconds I have more data than I ever even wanted. What I don’t do is get on the phone with someone and ask them questions about something that is right in front of me. My boss for example will call me and ask me if an invoice is paid. This means I have to get out of what I was doing to pull up the account he was talking about to see if the invoice is on the screen or not. Yet he is already staring at the account (or should be) and if he just looked, he would see whether or not it was still open. Maybe if his question was more informed. How about, “why isn’t this invoice paid?” But the whole not even taking the time to do a tiny bit of work pisses me off.

Tonight is McDonald’s night for the school. I am not a fan of McDonald’s food, but it is an excuse to ride a bit, and depending on how crowded it is when we get there, it allows us to let the kids play on the playground there.

I think I am going to try for 30 minutes on the treadmill today. I have been doing 25 minutes. I mostly worry that someone will notice I am gone for too long. I am looking forward a bit to July. I am going to work OT and workout longer each day. Ken will have the boys and I figure I can use the extra money for Ireland time.

I am pretty sure I pissed off NAG. I have been harassing her, trying to see where she is with all the work I did for her. She is so unbelievably slow. I almost want her to leave for a month again so I can do everything for her desk and then she comes back and sees what a failure she is. I am not sure why I have this vendetta against her.

I have been in crazy exercise mode at my desk. I did some leg lifts and stomach things. Silly net has so many things you can do at your desk. I have gone into obsession mode. I am sure this is not a good thing, but I feel all inspired by the 5 pounds. I want to keep it up. I feel energized. I am seriously considering riding our bikes to my folks for Saturday. Sure, we are going to lunch, but that doesn’t mean we can’t all squeeze into the van for the short trip to Big Wok. Plus, isn’t it my birthday celebration? Shouldn’t I get to do what I want?

Wow, despite my energy, or maybe because of it, people are irritating me today. Should be an interesting day.

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