Friday, June 15, 2012

On the Road again


I am looking forward to a long drive.

There is something actually pretty relaxing about these drives up north. We listen to music. We talk. We laugh. Sure, there are times when it is a little tedious, but when we leave in the early afternoon like today’s journey, it makes for a much better trip.

The AYSO meeting last night went actually pretty well. I am quite pleased with Jerry as our new RC. He is much more laid back. Nothing against Fred, mind you, but I prefer a more relaxed time. I didn’t want this to be a job. I wanted it to be fun. I had fun last night.

There is talk of creating a new board position that deals with social media. I could SO do that. They would kind of be in charge of communication and almost like a marketing person in a lot of ways. I volunteered for now to go ahead and set up the FB page. There is a page already, so I need to get assigned to be the admin. It means I can really use that to get the kids in our region more involved. Plus, there are enough parents and people that use Facebook, why not use it to our advantage. I am excited about this. Hopefully I can make it awesome.

I get to go meet with the president of the company in a couple hours. I am all jazzed. I went with casual chic. I didn’t want to be all dressy, especially on the standard casual Friday. I considered wearing my kick ass heels, but opted to not set myself up for the possibility of falling.

I made another fun jewelry piece. I took this cute little skull bead and put it on a little cord and a clasp. You can hook it on anything, really, but I have been wearing it on my top earring. I really want to go to Michaels and JoAnne’s next week to look for some more fun things to make.

I am itching to do all these random things to my appearance. I want the hair cut. I want to go back to a pretty brown hair color. I want to pierce my nose. I wonder what is going on in my head.

I got a call from the school yesterday morning. Bobby’s cough had essentially gotten him kicked out of class. He isn’t sick. It is allergies that dry out his throat. The boys have like 4 days left of school and the spazbot teacher couldn’t handle Bobby coughing a bit??? Fuck! Thankfully Ken was able to go pick him up so I didn’t have to leave at 9:30. Not that I would have minded the time off to just chill with Mr. Bobby, but I also know I will be leaving early today and next Tuesday. Turns out, Dax is getting an award. Woo hoo!

The best part about Bobby being home, though, was that he and I had to go to the school to go get Dax. Well, their bikes were all at the school, so I got to take Bobby on my bike up to the school. He sat all ET style in my basket as we rode up there. It was AWESOME! His giggles were fantastic and happy making. Dax was jealous, so I gave him a ride around the block when we got home. Ahh, the simple things in life.

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