Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Still late


Still late. Still frustrated.

For now, my plan is to take another test either tomorrow or Friday. Tomorrow marks a week late. I figure I have given it a day or two of checking to see if this so far is just one of those random things. If those tests are nugatory, I will be heading down to the doc anyway since I do need to know what is up. I have a light pressure/cramping feeling in my lower pelvis. I still get nauseous from time to time. It is minor, but there. I also noted a high blood sugar this morning, which is unusual. I will test it all day to watch.

I also need to stay off the net. Between my hypochondriac tendencies and my desire to be pregnant, I am diagnosing myself with being everything from knocked up to dying. Sigh.

During the awards ceremony for the school, I was pleasantly surprised when Dax was awards with the academics award! Only 2 kids in the class get this. It means he is top of the class! WOO! I jumped up and cheered when he ran up and I think I amused the crowd with my happy. Both boys got the perfect attendance awards, too, so it was a good morning!

The boys and I got home around 11. I was confused since I had hoped Ken would make it to the school for part of the ceremony. But he wasn’t returning texts or calls. I was getting a little worried. I thought he was getting done at 10. I finally was able to reach him at Noon 15. Apparently there was some confusion and he wasn’t due to be done until noon. Sigh.

I spent the afternoon watching episodes of Drop Dead Diva, trying to catch up through last season so I can then catch up on the new season so I can gossip about it with Scott and Andy in Ireland. It was nice, since the boys played on their own stuff.

Dax and I did have an issue, though. He was whining a fair amount whenever he had a minor bit of difficulty with his Lego set. Finally I took it away. I told him when Ken got home, he could continue since I was not as able to help him and frankly, I was tired of his attitude. I was calm and told him to go play something else. About 20 minutes later, he comes back with a note he wrote. It said, “Dear Mom. I am sad. Love Dax” This kid is going to be trouble!!! I didn’t give him back his set, but he was happy to be able to cry it out a bit. Poor thing.

I think I am going to try and force myself to work a little late today. If anything, I will stay here long enough to allow me a longer workout. I figure if I can get in a good walk, I will be thrilled. I just checked and I have at least 30 minutes of an episode that I can watch which will be great!

Ken and the boys are home today, which means my house gets cleaned up. I am thrilled! Also, with the summer camp fast approaching, it means all the Lego in the house goes to camp! I am going to hopefully use this time to reorganize the living room and entry way. I would like that whole area to stay clear. With the newest critter acquisition, which would be the fish tank, I am considering moving that to the entry way. It will look nice there, and it will prevent clutter from other items.

Speaking of the fish tank, I am not sure who likes it more; Ken, Bobby or Tonks.

I am considering going down to the salon Stephanie recommended. I may go today. I had found their Facebook and asked if they do walk ins, which they said they do. I want to cut and see how much a color treatment will cost. I figure I can get some pricing overall.

Sigh, I am hoping today isn’t slow.

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