Thursday, June 28, 2012

It is fun being this awesome


Never judge a day by its morning.

When I wrote yesterday I was sure the day would be shit. I was prepared to secure a large rock in which I could crawl under and hide from all of humanity. Thankfully, the bad stuff was already out of the way and things were looking up.

I walked over to the other building where my meeting was scheduled with VP of HR and the guy who is second in command of HR. I was terrified. I was sure I had officially gone too far this time. It didn’t help that the boss had come in and for whatever reason I didn’t end up seeing him. He normally says hello to everyone. Of course, I might have been in the restroom, but an overactive imagination has him already in the meeting and the three of them were ready to hand me my walking papers.

The good news was when I arrived, VP was still in a meeting. This allowed me to breathe for a second. While I stood outside his office, I was greeted by none other than the CEO. He and I ended up chit chatting about bikes and weight loss. He is apparently my biggest fan at work in terms of diet success. It felt good to be known by someone so high up, and for him to truly seem happy to see me. It put me at ease for when VP called me in.

While we waited for other HR dude, he and I ended up chatting about Chinese zodiac and about how superstitious his wife is. It was quite nice, and he and I laughed quite a bit. My nerves were having spasms with the positive energy he was giving and the negative I was expecting to find.

HR guy got there and I of course used my patented ice breaker in the form of asking outright if I am fired. They laughed. A lot! I took this as a good sign.

The meeting was not a disciplinary action. It was more of a pow wow. We talked about the dress code. We discussed managers and their lack of ability to handle the personnel side of managing. We discussed ideas and the future of MQ. It was awesome! VP even told me outright that he loved my blog and needed my help. He wanted more employees like myself who were willing to speak up not to just bitch, but to make a difference. I was quite flattered.

The halter top conversation came up. He ratted himself out as the one who actually started this whole thing. Apparently some random day recently I was wearing jeans. He approached HR guy to see if this was ok in the policy. At this time, HR guy went to Boss Man to let him know that employees should not wear jeans except for on Fridays. Boss Man tried to get more information, including perhaps a better list of do’s and don’ts, and an example of halter tops was brought up. The game of telephone was in effect and I got to hear the finished product indicating that somehow I was running around in jeans and a halter top. Neat.

This was a great segway into what was in fact the rules regarding jeans. I pointed out that nowhere in the policy did it state no jeans. I also schooled the two of them in what the old policy was, years before they started at the company. I told them that when this newer policy came out, it was a victory to many of us since it meant that jeans were no longer off the table. I also went on to explain how we don’t see customers and overall, we all dress nicely, even when rocking a pair of Levis. They agreed, and even though they didn’t say any amendments would be made, they saw my point. Still, they wanted the jeans issue to still be a Friday thing. I told them that they should poll some employees on this since really, it was a mistake. The issue was not over, and they appreciated my input quite a bit.

I felt very happy to be listened to, and respected. It was strange, especially since when I started with this company, I was making the same noise, and mostly I was ignored and more often than not, punished for my passion. Now, with this newer upper management, I feel like a valuable member of the team. VP guy had even heard about my Excel abilities (which I still maintain are over hyped around here) and explained how he had mad respect for my abilities as an employee. It is nice that people know my name, and pronounce it correct to boot!

HR guy ended up walking with me a bit as I went back to my desk, and he agreed more with me in terms of the idea of needing a more concrete code. Sadly, VP is more in favor of leaving it up to each department. Although, I understand his point. This allows more flexibility, and ultimately, it doesn’t pigeonhole anyone into a uniform. It also allows me a shit ton of wiggle room.

I then pointed out that no one has said anything about my Tonks hair. He laughed and said that that doesn’t have any bearing on the code and that this is a personal preference. I still find this interesting since truly, couldn’t you make the argument that pink hair less professional than a pair of blue jeans and a nice top? But I suppose this is what makes this all so entertaining. I guess it is time to get that nose piercing.

My day continued to go pretty well. Ken texted me late morning to tell me that thankfully Brianna appeared to be all better. No more swelling and she was running around like a normal kitten. YAY!

Ok, the afternoon was a bit dodgy what with Ken’s bike tire going flat on our ride, but truly, it wasn’t a huge deal. It was still a nice outing and I still got to ride the whole trip to Lowe’s and back. And while we were at Lowe’s, we came up with solutions to the hedge issue in the back yard. We found that they have the bamboo plant we want and a good way to secure some privacy while the bamboo grows in. Since the house next door is going to be sold, we need to make this project a priority since we want to have it established for any potential buyers. It will be a weekend project, but it will probably be very satisfying to get it all done.

We also priced out linoleum since I would really like to replace the flooring in the kitchen. We saw some that would be perfect in the idea that it would hide much of the muddy prints from boys and dogs that we always get.

I did have one minor meltdown when I arrived home from work. The frat house was still in effect and I was frustrated. The kids’ rooms were a wreck. The kittens were still holed up in the room. The boys were playing when really, they should have had these things clean before they did this.

I went a little ape shit, but we did get at least the bedroom in order. Plus, we came up with some plans concerning organizing both rooms, which Ken will be working on today. Books are being moved from the bedroom into the playroom on better shelves. We also got a window fan for the bedroom to allow the kitten stink to be sucked out and keep the room cooler.

I actually am pretty pleased so far with how diligent the boys have been about picking up kitten poop, and them keeping the kittens fed. I have only seen poop in the pan once, and I was pretty sure it was fresh. And the second I mention it, they almost fight over who gets to clean it. Plus, the kittens have had fresh water and kibble at all times. We moved these items up on the dresser so that Luna won’t snack on the kibble, and it keeps the floor a little cleaner.

Yesterday I found myself teaching the boys yet another random song. Dax had made a bow and arrow out of a cat toy and so I in my feminist crazy I asked if they were Katniss or the chick from Brave. They of course said Hawkeye, and I countered with Cupid. This resulted in a conversation about who the heck was Cupid. I burst into song.

“Cupid, draw back your bow, and let, your arrow go. Straight to my lover’s heart for me.

Cupid, please hear my cry, and let, your arrow fly. Straight to my lover’s heart for me.”

All three of my boys looked at me in wonder. I could understand the boys not knowing this song from the 60’s, but I had hoped that even Ken would have at least had some recognition. Not so much. I have much to teach these men in my life.

The plan for this afternoon is to go see Brave. We have some movie tickets for the archlight so the plan is to use those. I am very anxious to see the flick. It will be most happy making.

Now I just have to make it through a work day. I am looking forward to the workout as this is the highlight of the work day. I get to have my runner’s high AND I get to watch my show. 4 more hours and it will be time! WOO!

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