Thursday, August 16, 2012

Lycos vs. Brianna


Dog attack!

Last night as I helped the boys take a shower, and Ken was in the playroom treating it with boric acid, there was an incident. We came out to find little drops of blood everywhere. It was on the floor, my desk, almost as if someone sneezed while dealing with a bloody nose. We instantly checked all the critters. We came to Brianna and found blood on her tail. There was a cut that clearly had bled quite a bit. She seemed pretty indifferent to the injury, but did get a little annoyed at us messing with it.

It looked minor at first glance, but I wasn’t convinced. I felt around and I could feel the hole that accompanied the blood and was actually a little faint when I noted how extreme it was. We shaved her tail around the area and our worst suspicions were coming true; she had sustained a bite, probably from one of the dogs.

Luna was off the hook pretty instantly since she was in with Ken the whole time. This left the blame to fall on Lycos. Even though she is lacking in some of her teeth, she has the temperament that make it all too possible for it to be very believable. Scenarios come to our heads which all make sense. Brianna could very easily have done everything from attacking her tail to startling Lycos to what now is occurring to me is that she tried to eat some of Lycos’s kibble. I know dogs don’t really feel bad when they fuck up, but I can tell you, she seemed to know something had gone down and that we were not thrilled with her.

After cleaning up the wound, you could tell it was pretty significant. There was some concern that her tail was so badly bit that the bone was separated. We still are unsure, but she seems to still have some feeling. Ken got a finger splint (I can tell you now, no one can ever say our house lacks in medical supplies.) and put that on her tail. He then wrapped it with soft bandages and then taped it. I held her during this, the whole while she purred and was incredibly content. I was impressed. She is a real trooper, cementing the fact that we lucked out big time with the temperament of these new members of the Brenan house.

We were concerned she would chew at it. She at first seemed to find it annoying. Then the kitten in her thought it was a toy as she ran in circles, trying to get her tail. It didn’t take more than a few minutes and she just ignored it. Yay! She slept in our bed last night at Ken’s feet with her sister. It was good to see her not upset.
For now, we will keep an eye on it. We will probably change the bandage tonight and add more Neosporin. Since it is a bite, there is gobs of germs that would have gotten in there, so I am hoping it doesn’t get infected. We will take her to the doc if it looks like she needs more treatment, which I am guessing would just be a dose of antibiotics. I may make the appointment anyway since we need to get their vaccinations started.

This does mean that Lycos is not to be allowed to eat unless we are watching her closely. Normally we are in the room with her when she does eat, so this was a rare instance in which we happened to be out of the room. Still, I shudder to think how bad this could have been. She could have bit her head, or stomach, causing a way worse injury. What happens if she had bit the boys? It is all bad thoughts that fill my head now. She is old and deserves some respect, but sadly she will also need to be watched more closely. I have seen her snip at Luna more viciously recently, and even with me to some degree if she did her spaced out routine. My dad said that when they came over one of the days, Lycos barked for a full ten minutes, which is crazy odd for her since Lycos loves my dad. It was as if she didn’t recognize even the boys, which bothers me a great deal.

Critters getting old sucks.

At least the rest of the afternoon and evening were pleasant enough. Dax didn’t fight me nearly as much with his homework. I also was much calmer (which still isn’t saying much. I need to still bring it down about 30 notches), which may have helped. The worst fight was over one picture. It was a worksheet in which you had to write down the beginning sound of the picture and then you write the word. The picture was of a sail. The problem was that it didn’t have the boat typically associated with that kind of sail. Dax was convinced that it was a match, which had been on a sheet the day before. I tried to explain it, and he wasn’t having it. I even showed him the worksheet with the match compared, but he didn’t care. So I had him write what he thought it was, and I put a note on the paper saying that Dax was convinced it was a match, so hopefully it doesn’t cause too many problems.

Today I need to talk to his teacher anyway to get a count of how many students are in the classroom. I need to go get cupcakes this afternoon for tomorrow. Plus, I want to make sure I am not disrupting the class. I don’t think it will be an issue, but it never hurts to check.

I also need to work on the house. With company coming over for Dax’s party, it needs to be company ready. Sadly, Ken is gone all day today and tomorrow, so he will not be able to help. Plus, Saturday morning, there is coach’s training from 8 to noon. Apparently Ken thought the boys and I were coming to that. The boys would be helping in the training, and I would actually be getting certified. But really, I need to set up for the party. So if I can get everything done to my liking today and tomorrow, I can go to that since people are not showing up to the house until 1:30. I need to remember, too, that most of the party will be taking place out back and with good friends who I am pretty sure would not judge me for any kind of potential mess I might have at the house. They all have kids and jobs and they understand.

Thankfully the house is still mostly intact from my vigorous cleaning from a week ago. It is just some minor touch ups and getting the back yard picked up a smidge. The biggest thing falls on Ken in the form of cleaning the pool. LOL!

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