Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Super soccer season


Is it Friday yet?

The soccer practice was fantastic last night. Our group of kids on the team are super sweet and full of energy. Only one of them was a little shy, and to be honest not the best player, but even so, he was a sweetheart, which makes the whole group a win! We went through some basic drills, just to see what we need to really work on. The hustle and excitement they all had during the scrimmage was intense. I was so pleased to see them all seem to have gobs of fun. Bobby exclaimed at one point how he was all happy that he was now friends with his whole team, which I thought was cute. None of the kids seemed stuck up or mean spirited in the least.

The parents are great, too! One of the kids got hit in the face with the ball super hard. Poor baby was in pain, yet his mom let me handle the whole thing, which I have to say was amazing. She had complete trust in me and she knew that everything was going to be fine. I loved this! I was able to not worry about doing anything wrong and I could comfort him while Ken finished out the practice. It was perfect.

I ran a lot. I did the dribbling jogging drill with them. I also fielded kicked balls and ran with sets of two as they dribbled and passed back and forth. A good deal of this was done jogging backwards. I also played the role of “Angry Driver” in our “LA Freeway” drill, and I can tell you, I felt that. I will be getting my extra exercise on Tuesdays for sure.

Next practice we will ride our bikes. It truly isn’t too much farther from Wilson, especially since a good chunk of it is an easy ride. I think it will be good conditioning for our whole family.

I was really impressed with how much better Bobby was doing last night. He went to the ball and really showed incredible improvement even since the Spring session. I was very proud of him! Dax was his usual self, kicking ass and taking names. I did have to pull him aside right before practice, though, since he got into a meltdown which I told him I would not tolerate this year. He was upset Ken had kicked the ball to him not in the exact way he wanted it. I told him I would not let him cry at practice like this and that if he does, he will sit out the rest of the practice. He managed to stay happy the whole practice and on our way home he even told me that he was good about not getting upset.

One of the best things about this group of kids, especially compared to Spring was that all of them actually paid attention to us! There wasn’t much in the way of goofing off or just plain not listening. I was pleased that this is gearing up to be a good season.

Ken ended up having to replace the battery in my car. I was all confused since I thought we had just gotten the battery. Apparently it was actually purchased back in 2008. LOL!

He rode his bike to Auto Zone to get the battery. Right after he installed it, he rode up to get the boys. I got home and asked him where my keys were. After a search of the house, he could only remember having them hooked on his pants when going to the school. I got on my bike and rode up the same path he took and then ended up stopping in the office to check. Sure enough, someone had turned in my keys, which after some thought on Ken’s part, he said they probably fell off somewhere near the cafeteria. Phew! I am just glad we found them.

Luna barked a couple times this morning around 3. She doesn’t tend to do that when in the house, which made it all very freaky. When I got up at 4, she was actually lying in the entry way, which is never where she is, so I wonder if someone either walked by the house or was across the street. Not sure. She barks a ton outside, but an inside bark is usually something to pay attention to.

Ken had taken Luna with him when he rode up on his bike to go check to see where this paramedic and fire truck went in our neighborhood last night. She wasn’t on a leash, yet still did an amazing job. They passed several dogs and yet she was very good. She did say hello to people, but other than that, she was just happy to follow Ken. I am so impressed with my pup!

Both of the boys have managed to go to class each day without incident. Last year there were still tears involved, yet this year, nothing. In fact, both seem pretty pleased once they are on campus. Plus, no discipline issues so far! Dax’s class has a 1 warning system, and if you manage to stay out of trouble all day, you get a go at the treasure chest each day. Dax has come home with a prize every day! Bobby’s class doesn’t seem to have much of a system like that, but he has not gotten into any trouble, has not been benched and the teacher seems to like him quite a bit. Of course, next Tuesday we should be able to find out more, but it is nice that the year is going so well.

I need to start saving up for the new iPhones. The rumor is they are coming out with the 5 in September. I don’t need it right when it comes out, but it is so time for a new phone. It is also almost time for me to get a new iTouch. Mine is starting to have a few minor issues. The battery doesn’t last nearly as long as it used to, and there have been some button problems. In all fairness, I have had it for a few years and have used it gobs. I think it still has a lot of life in it, though, so this is not something I think I need to worry about for a while.

The boys get a 4 day weekend for Labor Day. They have the 31st off, along with the 3rd. Lucky!! I at least get the three day weekend, which is happy making.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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