Friday, September 13, 2013



I am a glutton for punishment.

My first concern when I went into the PTA meeting was that I had walked into clicksville. I noted all of the ladies there clearly were with their own people and I didn’t feel a ton of warmth from most of them. Thank goodness for Nicole. Nicole is the president of the PTA and is a super sweetheart. I met her the first day of school and I have been able to chit chat with her just about every day. She has a first grader, having joined the PTA when her kid was in Kinder. Of course, what makes it even funnier is that her husband is one of the Division Coordinators for AYSO. Ken knows him well. We didn’t know any of this until the first day of school. Our little neck of Torrance seems to be a small town in the making!

In addition to Nicole, Alissa was there. She lives a block away from the Halldale House. She recognized us since she has seen us around the neighborhood. I know her because her daughter was on Jim’s team last year and she was the one who scored the only goal all year at the end of the season. Jim was so proud of her he was practically crying. It was quite endearing. I have spoken to Alissa many times, and have been chatting with her at afterschool pickup. She was my other touch point in the group.

The meeting was super long. They said it would be a quick meeting, but I should know by now that “quick” is relative. It also was the first big board meeting for the year. Normally only board members would go to these monthly meetings with everyone else going only maybe 3 times a year and helping out in a lesser capacity. We were mostly just trying to see what needs to be done. There are multiple board positions open, but it sounds like they need a lot of help on many things that don’t need to be as prominent on the board. I like that for my first year.

It was an interesting night, and the clicky factor diminished quickly. It was clear that these were ladies who have been a part of this for some time and they seemed to know their shit, which I appreciate. They also opened up a lot more and I felt good about being there.
It also was becoming more clear just how many amazing activities they plan for the school. There is a carnival, a hoedown, a bike rodeo, etc. They really do a lot and I felt once again how much it was like being back at Madison as a student. It was a good feeling.

One of the events which gives back to the school is actually not on campus. There is a Pier to Pier walk sponsored by Sketchers in October. The money raised goes back to schools. They really want to push this for this year. I am so down with that. Ken and I have decided the boys and us will do the walk. I am going to see if my folks will walk, too. Anyone else want to walk with us?

I spoke to Nicole after the meeting and one of the things that needs help is the newsletter. I would essentially go over articles (probably even write some if needed) and get them put together. I can totally do that. It also is something I don’t have to be on campus for, which is important. I told her my hours and other commitments but that I want to be as active as humanly possible. She was thrilled. So for now that is what I will start to work towards. I am most likely going to help out in other capacities, but I am starting slow. No becoming Treasurer right out the gate this time.

The meeting went to 9, which was a bummer since the boys were there. They were super good, playing Minecraft in the corner while we had the meeting. Alissa told me that it is no problem having the kids there since there are often meetings with multiple kids there. I still felt bad since they had just ran super hard at practice and still had not eaten dinner. It was late for the Brenans.

I did manage to straighten up Steve’s kitchen. There was so much debris and random box parts in there from everything being done that I was sure it would get in the way of things getting done. The hopes for this afternoon is to finish putting in the dishwasher, putting up the metal behind the stove so that can go in, and maybe if we can, get the wall painted for the fridge. The kitchen needs to get done.

We have a huge Lowe’s run today. Ken is getting a lot of things today for the bathroom/windows. I may have Ken pick up the paint while he is there, which would save us a trip later.

Sadly, Steve is actually a bit on the back burner today since Ken needs to finish the banner for Dax’s team. It isn’t as crucial for game time as it is for picture day, which is Sunday. I would like it ready for tomorrow’s game, though. It will be a late night at the Brenan house.

After the games on Saturday, I think the boys and I will go to Steve where I can finish the shelf paper adventure (I did a couple yesterday. I figure if I keep plugging away when I have a few minutes I will be done in time to start stocking shelves soon). If I have the paint, I can probably start painting our bedroom.
I realize I need to go to Lowe’s to pick out ceiling color. Crud.

The one real bummer about getting home so late last night was that I couldn’t watch an episode of Breaking Bad. I have been averaging 2 a day. I watch one at workout time/lunch at my desk and then one while Ken is reading to the boys. I am almost caught up, but I do realize I am about to be out of ones on Netflix which means I will only get the one a night once that happens.

Do I really have to be at work? I need 48 hours in a day!!

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