Tuesday, September 10, 2013

school rules!


It isn’t a good sign when the boss is already pissing me off and it isn’t even 5:30 in the morning.

Yesterday was as expected. It was chaos and crazy and not enough table space. The boys had some homework along with all of my paperwork so a lot was done on a small tv tray. We managed, and thankfully we could take turns. Dax really only had to read a book for homework, and Bobby had some small things like drawing a picture for a bunch of words, which was pretty fun.

I feel like a celebrity at the school. It is amazing how many people already know who we are. Of course, a great deal of the talk was concerning soccer items. Lu, who is one of the people on the board, had some issues concerning a parent on his team. I had already fielded some of the parent complaints from the parent herself through Facebook, but ultimately it sounds like she is just stressed and concerned that her kids will be shunned for a couple of things. Lu seems to be doing ok and had it under control but they were letting us know being that Ken is the coordinator for U8 and I am apparently consumer relations.

On top of the soccer talk, we also were able to help on our first bit of PTA business. The president already knows us, which rocks. I am anxious to help the school as soon as I have some time. Soccer crazy for me in terms of the treasurer end should slow down soon, and the house will be settled soon enough which will allow me a chunk of time. This means I should be able to do some things. Yay!

Homework looks ok so far. Lots of reading books, which is cool. They also want us to read to them 20 minutes a day, which is something Ken already does. Dax still has not started his packets, but I feel ok that it shouldn’t be too bad. The school has indicated that they don’t want the kids to do homework and classwork that isn’t just busy work. Problem solving is the theme of the year along with responsibility. This means that the boys will have their work cut out for them.

Another busy afternoon ahead of us what with a soccer practice and a quick run over for some signatures along with the homework stuff, too. I am really anxious to be in Steve so things will be less chaotic. 

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