Friday, September 20, 2013

Second Wind


There will be painting!

After the boys are picked up, painting will commence. Primer has been purchased and rooms are ready to get that initial coat. Stephanie is coming over to help and hopefully we can get some real progress done today. If we can get the primer all done before next week, my folks can spend the 3 days they plan on painting doing the colors instead of just primer. YAY! Ken is going to work on the panels while Stephanie and I paint. We might just get to see some real progress in a few short days!

I got a lot done yesterday. It wasn’t at Steve. It was at Edie. I have been keeping up with laundry and basic chores. I also took 40 minutes to sit down and watch the last episode of Breaking Bad that I have recorded. This makes me caught up! There are only 2 new episodes left, and I am scared. The episode I watched last night left me in a crumpled heap. I was sobbing and screaming at the tv. I was so upset!! I read a review online and I think the one description really does sum up how you feel after watching it which is comparing it to having a hangover. It just leaves you so woozy and out of sorts.

It is amazing how much some tasks getting done has helped me. I feel less stressed this morning. I think I even slept pretty well. It might also be that this afternoon I get to really do a project and that makes me excited. It does mean the day will be long at work since I will be counting down until I get to Steve, but I will take it as a good thing.

Tomorrow is game day. It is a long crazy one, what with Bobby playing at 9 and Dax at 1:30. It leaves very little room for doing other things in between. I figure I will get them some grub after Bobby’s game, then we will go to Dax’s field to wait for his game. The plans for after the game are open for now. I know Sunday will be spent getting things done at Steve, but Saturday may be back at Edie.

I am becoming more and more aware of just how old Lycos has become. She seems more stiff than ever and has mostly lost control of her bowels. It isn’t unusual to always find Cos Nuggets around the house. It takes her about 15 minutes to get up in the morning. She still eats, and boy did she light up when she discovered the kittens, but I can tell how tired she is getting. She isn’t in puppy lake territory yet, but there is the sad reality that if she makes it to Christmas it will most likely be her last. Of course, I assumed last Christmas was to be her last and she has surprised us. She has always been a fighter, but I just wonder how much more the ol’ girl has.

Ittles has been upgraded to bathroom. She has the run of the bathroom to allow her to walk around more. She is on a new diet that Doc Steinam said could take quite a while to show any improvement. I think she has put on some weight, but this isn’t based on anything other than she feels heavier. Of course, this could just be in comparison with the little ones.

Halloween, the calico looking kitten, is probably ready for her new home. She eats wet food well and is super active. I am going to talk to Jerry and Nicole to see when they are ready since getting her settled at her new place would be good and it would allow the little black and white one to not have to compete. He seems feisty, but he is the runt so it always makes me nervous. I can’t bottle feed him anymore since he chews through the nipples, which means he must be ready for something more substantial. He seems to eat the other food, but I always worry. All three of them are very affectionate, which is adorable. Dax played with them for a half an hour yesterday and I think all 4 of them were in heaven. I am going to bring them to Steve today and put them in the Pack N Play (truly, one of the best secondary uses for one of those things!) and let the kids play. Sabrina should be excited!

My boss seems to have had some kind of stroke these last couple weeks. He doesn’t seem to understand how reports and other work related stuff works. It turns out over the past couple years one of the people here has been doing essentially the same report I do. In addition to that, she is doing it the hard way. Sigh. Yeah, so things are changing because the boss seemed surprised at how quickly I can do things. Seriously, I had some serious job security realizations happen this week as I watched my boss look all impressed at things I could do.

If only I could convince him to pay me more. 

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