Tuesday, May 13, 2014



Better, and I understand more.

It all became crystal clear last night as to why I was so dang tired and melancholy. Thanks to the weakened body from allergies, Mother Nature decided it was the ideal setting to make sure I remember that I am a woman.

I stayed very mellow for the day. I did some light chores and spent some time reading my book before hiking up in the blistering heat to get the boys. Even the dogs were unhappy with the rise in temperature. And yesterday wasn’t even hot. Bleah.

The boys spent much of the evening in the pool. Lily got her first foray into Brenan backyard swimming. Luna of course was a seasoned professional, but I have to say I was impressed that Lily could climb out of the pool using the ladder. Lily is not as keen on climbing said ladder to get in, preferring to do her freakishly high jumping to get her up to the edge of the pool. You would think she was part Jack Russell.

Lily does need to practice some more on this dog paddle thing. Apparently the only thing that comes natural is the front leg flailing. She started to figure out how to use her back legs a bit more, but it didn’t always seem to be her first thought.

I starved the children last night. Ok, not really. I did, however, teach them a lesson. I made dinner, which was all stuff they would like. They ate very little, mostly due to being overly excited about playing in the pool. I told them several times that they should eat more since they would undoubtedly be hungry later. They did not listen. Of course, come time to get out, they declared their desire for nourishment. I explained that it was now too late for food. This resulted in sobbing children.

I did let them have some apples and bread after they pissed and moaned for a long time. I didn’t “give in” so much as I was “being nice”. They had already determined that they would not be getting food from me, which was the perfect time for the ole switcheroo. Yay mom!

My throat isn’t nearly as sore as it was yesterday and the day before. Don’t get me wrong, I am still in pain, but I can tell it isn’t anything like Strep or worse. It seems directly related to my nose being all kinds of honked up with allergies.

I have a girl coming over today to pick up the two backpack strollers. I went to high school with her and kind of connected at the reunion. She always seemed like one of the cool kids and I was quite pleased that not only did she know who I was, but seemed genuinely happy to see me there. She recently announced that she was having twins so I offered her the strollers. She was quite pleased! I am very happy to get them over to someone who will get to use them.

I am anxious for the next step with my hair. It is much too blonde for me to deal with. I feel wrong. I don’t know what it is, but blonde hair on me makes me look like a stranger. I can have any other color, but the blonde just isn’t me. The reds are already coming out on their own, so the treatment we got will most likely just finish the job. That means I should be able to rock some lavender by the end of the week. Yay!

I hate covering Jean’s desk only because I can’t do any of her work until Fred gets in the office. He has to approve the override to allow me access to her stuff. Mind you, it is already ok for me to do it, but it has to be done daily in the system, which sucks because I have work piling up in the morning that I can’t do for a couple hours. It is crazy frustrating. On Thursday, Fred is on vacation until Tuesday, which means Trusty has to approve it. Sadly, I have no idea when he will get around to approving it. It could be close to 9 before he does, which will certainly put a kink in getting work done in a timely fashion. Sigh.

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