Wednesday, October 19, 2011



What a set of workouts! I got home from work and I did the Wii while Ken helped the boys with their homework. I did more of the strength training and yoga this time. I did some aerobics, but I mostly did a ton of the other stuff. It was no joke!

After that I did the boflex at my folks’ house. 5 sets of 20 reps of three different arm exercises. Phew!

When I got home, after we ate, I felt too energized. So I opted to go with Luna for a nice power walk. It was perfect out. It was chilly and windy and kind of dark out. I was in heaven! We walked quickly because it is so much easier to workout in the cold for me. Luna, as it turns out, is a big wuss. Every slight noise or leaf falling spooked her. The funniest part is that she is certainly on the flight end of the spectrum. Lycos was my fighter. No one was going to fuck with me when she could walk with me. Luna doesn’t even bother to look back when she is ready to bolt. Thank goodness I never felt like I needed her to kick some ass.

Apparently the Mormons have some kind of bat signal attached to the net. On Monday, when I was dinking around online signing up for freebies, I had seen one for a free Book of Mormon. I thought that would be cool to own, so I put in my info. The verification screen popped up with a notice indicating that some missionaries would be at my house shortly. Fuck! I quickly canceled my request, thinking no harm, no foul. Well, it appears that when you hit submit, the internal chip that must be imbedded in their magic underwear goes off, and they are in action.

As I was working out on the Wii, Ken announces, “Oh look, Mormons.” It dawned on me that they were there for my silly bullshit. Ken went out before I could explain. The two of them then asked for Gena. Yup, that’s right, they even got my name right. Yie! They then tell Ken that I requested a copy of the Book. Fuck. Ken laughs and asks them to hang on a second. He comes in, and I run to him and explain what happened. He chuckled and goes back out to handle it.

Yay Ken, who can think on his feet. He tells them that I had only requested it because we like to keep our house well stocked with all different religious material to allow our boys to make their own decision on what faith they choose to believe. They seemed ok with this and provided Ken with a copy of the book along with a card with their number on it. I really need to leave the Mormons alone.

I find it humorous that in my messenger bag I currently have my iPad, a Book of Mormon, 2 baggies of dinosaurs, my blood glucose meter, a parenting magazine, a camera, information on how to register Tonk’s microchip, and a monster squirt toy.

It is time to buy some more body glitter.

Stephanie turned me on to a new app to track my exercise. It has a GPS function that will be able to show exactly how far I am walking each day. It will be much more accurate than my pedometer, but I will continue to use both.

Yay! I just emailed HR regarding the Halloween contest. This year they will be doing not only a group costume, but individuals, too. Look, I am not thinking I will win, I just think that there were too many good individuals last year that got passed over because there are a couple of great group costumes. It doesn’t seem fair. I think the best way to encourage people to participate would be to ensure that everyone stands a chance. I was pleased that he was kind enough to email me back and tell me if that had not been the plan that it would be for sure. Yay!!

I wonder if I would like butternut squash.

Fall is so my favorite time of the year. I love the smell of the air. I love the new beginnings. I always associate this time as the new year. It is when school starts. It always seems to be when I start a new job. It is a rebirth. It makes me feel so energized. Holidays are approaching, weather is changing. It is full of hope and happy and friends and family. I am feeling so good right now.

That of course could also be associated with the 4 cups of green tea I had this morning. LOL!

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