Wednesday, October 5, 2011



My living room is growing on me. I still need a new couch since it truly is the one thing that stands out as wrong, but the configuration is significantly better. Perhaps I am just thrilled at how clean it looks. LOL!

Back to School night and the PTA info was good. I got some good information there. I really like Bobby’s teacher. She is very nice and genuine, plus, I know she gets it since she also has a 6 year old at home. I like that she had no problem with questions from us parents and that she really seems to care about our kids.

I met with the current PTA president, someone I have spoken to before but had not realized her involvement. She is awesome. She knows Ken and I already, and loves my boys. She suggested that before I take over the school (both her kids are no longer at the school so she is only staying on as president for a little while longer), I should yes, become an officer, but take a year to watch the process before I take on president. I like this idea, since this way I don’t get overwhelmed too quickly. Plus, I can learn from the likes of her who has been doing this for 8 years. They did love how much Ken and I want to be involved.

I am falling deeply in love with Tonks. She is such a doll. Monarch is not thrilled with this, but I have made sure to give him extra loving. Tonks is actually becoming pretty used to the dogs, too. She will hang with me in the kitchen while both L dogs are wandering around. She doesn’t cozy up to them, but she doesn’t sprint away. My animals are all so awesome.

The net has provided me with a lot of distraction this morning. Multiple articles have caught my eye and I have been reading up on everything from school things to capital punishment to inclusion of “under god” in the pledge. I know I have said this before, but I will say it again; thank goodness I didn’t have the net when I was younger. I would have gotten NOTHING done.

My plan is to walk in the rain to get the boys. I have no idea how they will feel about this, but dammit, I need my walking.

I want to go to JoAnne’s tonight.

K&B are talking to a medium right now who says spirits talk to her. They are taking calls and she said that she really needed someone to call who recently lost their brother since she has one coming through strongly wanting to let it known that he is at peace. I have never felt so many chills. I tried calling, but the lines are busy. I emailed Bean. I am truly spooked.

Ok, someone else got through. He seemed to think it was his brother. I have so many questions. I hate that I get so interested in this.

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