Thursday, October 20, 2011



My weight loss is causing some irregular period action. I suppose this is not a bad thing. It just means that my body is just trying to adjust to all of my healthy actions. My workouts have been a bit more intense this week, so I suppose I should not be surprised.

I have done different style workouts this week. Less on steps, and more strength training. I determined that I was already walking at least 2 miles when I pick up the boys, and then various other steps I do throughout the day is getting me to my 10K step count, so why not concentrate on all areas of my body. Yesterday I did lunges, and sit-ups and other crazy rough things on my body. I am super sore. I am still also exercising at my desk every hour for a couple minutes.

Despite all of this, I had my first bout of esteem related issues last night since my new healthier lifestyle. I was feeling fat and gross and over all just not great. I suppose if periods are out of wack, hormones are also in a jumble of crazy as well. This may account for my poor body image last night. It is such a shame since I know there are results, but sometimes it occurs to me that I still have a long way to go and it scares me. I don’t want to fail.

One of my plans this weekend is to clean out my closet. I need to get rid of more stuff I have no intention of wearing, and determine what fits at this point. Plus, my closet is just a total mess. Slowly, we are organizing this house.

Netflix and multiple Apple devices and WiFi at my desk are a very dangerous combo.

Mrs. Kelly talked to me after school to ask me if there was anything going on at home that she needed to be aware of. It is the question you dread hearing because it sounds so cliché. Bobby has been even more emotional than normal in class. Specifically he seems to stress when it comes to finishing work at the same time as everyone else. He gets worried that he is too slow. He is doing the work just fine, but he is freaked out. I explained to her that he has always been like that, so this made her feel better. I talked to Bobby about it and told him that he never has to stress about finishing it on time. He just needs to do his work right. I also pointed out that Mrs. Kelly has never yelled at a student and that no one has gotten in trouble for being slightly slower. He understood. I guess the other kids have picked up on his mood swings, and they are concerned. Luckily, no one seems to be teasing as of yet, but you know that is just around the corner. Sigh. My poor sensitive Bobby.

Dax on the other hand has been behaving in class thankfully. He has stayed on green mostly this whole week. Phew. I know his little friends (and it sounds like much of the class) have been acting out a lot, but it is nice that Dax seems to understand he needs to stay out of trouble.

Picture day a week from today, which means I need to figure out the best outfit for them. Today is the Great Shakeout at school. I am sure I will get to hear lots of fun stories.

I have started a new conversation plan for afterschool. They boys are to tell me 3 good things that happened at school, and one good thing that happened to someone in their class. I will eventually get them to a bad thing, but they seem to already offer that up in these talks anyway. It is a fun way to get their memories jogging for how the day was.

I want to walk a 5K. Someday I will jog one, but for now, I think I just want to walk one.

I need some pomade.

I need to get snacks for the games this weekend.

I wonder how much a boob lift costs.

I need to go get my flu shot.

I need to go get Dax’s paperwork.

I feel nauseous.

Am I allowed to take a day off from exercise?

The Most Interesting Man in the World rocks.

Hmm..I feel off today. I am considering going home. It will be ok because I can still come in tomorrow. We shall see.

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