Monday, October 24, 2011



Ouch. Wimper. Whine. Sob.

My back has failed me. I spent Friday night running around at Dax’s practice, feeling pretty damn good. I get up Saturday morning, excited since I would probably get to be the on the field coach for Dax’s game. I bent down to pick up something, and the next thing I know, I can hardly move.

I still managed to do part of the game, which was awesome. Coach Ed was so cool to let me do this. He told me I was a great assistant coach, so I was all glowy from the compliment. Dax did well. There were a couple of times where you could see the fire in him when he would have this awesome burst of energy.

Bobby played goalie his whole game. He didn’t seem to mind, and if anything, he seemed pretty happy about it. I would have liked to see him out on the field more, but whatever makes him happy, right? Besides, it was one of those freak games where I swear, there was an injury a minute. All freak things, too. I think Bobby being out on the field would have upped his chances of this, so I guess it is all good.

After the games, I was really hurting. We walked Dax up to his classmate, Joshua’s birthday party. We were there before other guests. In fact, no other classmates ended up showing up. It was mostly his ginormous family.

I was sitting there with Ken as Bobby and Dax bounced in the Spiderman bounce house with Joshua. I noted how incredibly painful it was to sit there. I was getting these horrible spasms in my back and down my legs. It was horrible. Finally, I gave up and I walked home, leaving Ken and the boys.

I tried a bath with the jets. It didn’t help too much. I sat on the recliner, trying to find some way to be comfortable. Ken had called Andy to see if he could help. He called me right around when Ken and the boys returned, and he told me to ice it a lot. He said to stay reclined.

I took Vicodin to sleep. I did get some rest, but I was still in pain. I spent Sunday sitting with ice on my back every hour. I didn’t get anything accomplished that I planned on doing. I am rather upset.

I have an appt scheduled for this afternoon with the doctor. I don’t know if I can wait that long. I hurt all over.

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