Wednesday, November 9, 2011



Fabulous blood test results! I pointed out to my dad yesterday that I was antsy for Thursday, which was when I would get my test results. He asked me if I had checked online with our portal. I had completely forgotten about the fact that the portal shows test results. I sprinted inside to the computer and found all of the results.

The A1C, which identifies the average plasma glucose concentration over the past 3 months (thank you Wikipedia!) is one of those important diabetes tests. You hit diabetes when you go greater than 7%. When I was tested back in July, I hit 11%. This meant I had way too much sugar in my life. My goal was to at least reduce my percentage to about 9%. My understanding from my diabetes classes was that this was realistic.

As I stared at the computer screen, I couldn’t believe it. I printed it out, assuming that if it was on paper perhaps it would seem more real. Even as I look at it today, I am in shock.

My result is 5.9%.

Don’t get me wrong, I know I have been busting my ass on this. I cut out soda. I cut out milk. I do exercise just about daily. I have lost 52 pounds. All of these do help. But honestly, I didn’t think I would get such fantastic results.

Of course, I don’t really know what this means. I have not seen my doc yet. I don’t know if this will mean that I get to stop taking meds. I don’t know if this means I will only cut back. I assume it will mean that I will get another test in 3 more months to monitor this progress. I know I can’t let up yet. I still want to lose gobs of pounds. I know I will get there. Hell, when I read most web sites, they say I really only need to do 30 minutes of things like walking 5 days a week, and 3 days of weight training. I am often doing much more than that, so I am on the winning path.

Dax’s behavior at school has changed quite a bit. I feel bad saying it, but it may very well be due to his little friend Tristan having moved. Thankfully, both boys are at an age in which losing your friend in this way didn’t devastate them. But I am glad that Dax is no longer distracted by this kid.

This afternoon I should be able to walk with some weights. Not traditional ones. My mom, who adores my children with every fiber of her being, has once again gone above and beyond the call of duty for Gramma. She asked for copies of the teachers’ wish lists and went and purchased all of the items they asked for. I was given four large bags of goodies, two for each teacher, last night. I will bring them with me this afternoon when I go to the school.

I also plan on some Wii after that, and then perhaps another walk with Miss Luna. I didn’t take her on my walk yesterday since I was walking incredibly fast. Maybe after homework, the boys will agree to getting out their scooters and we can do a family walk.

I snipped at my whole household last night. The boys were not listening. I felt like Ken wasn’t listening. Even my cats were getting in my way. I was all kinds of excited about my blood results and I was unable to express this, so I got all kinds of frustrated. Not one of my finer moments.

It feels like Christmas Eve. I suppose I should do some work so that the day goes by quickly.

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