Monday, November 28, 2011

The turkey weekend


What a fab weekend. I had lots of wine, lots of down time, and really, only a minor amount of complaints.

We got to the Compound around 9:30 on Wednesday night. We would have been there sooner, but we met up with Andy and Scott at Target for a few things in Auburn. It was still early enough that the boys could run around a bit and get out some energy before it was time to get some sleep.

Turkey day was good. I got in a nice walk with Bobby. Normally I am antsy when it comes to the big meal since it seems like the day takes forever. I was shocked with how quickly it was dinner time. The boys happily ate turkey, but mostly seemed indifferent to the other options. I didn’t mind too much. Especially since they were far more interested in running around with their cousins.

I spent a great deal of time listening to Sandy tell me about her issues with Liam and PTSD from 9/11. I felt a little bad that I didn’t help clean up, but I also was on glass of wine number 3, so it didn’t matter too much.

Friday gave me lots of walking and we also cut down the Christmas tree for the house. That was a lot of fun! Nothing better than picking out a tree that is on your own property. The boys had so much fun with it!

Saturday gave us the Muppets, which was brilliant and fantastic and so freaking happy making. I did also have to have Bobby work on some classwork that Mrs Kelly gave him to do since we pulled him out of class early on Wednesday, but it was amazing to watch him slam through parts of it with such ease. Sometimes I forget that he knows a lot of things.

We got on the road by 8:30 on Sunday morning. We didn’t get home until about 7. It was a long drive, but it was fun. We took the 99 instead of the 5 and also took some back roads to avoid traffic. We were able to keep moving, which made it less awful feeling.

When we were about 2 hours out, I was texting with both Andy and Scott, who were both rather drunk and we joked around and had so dang much fun. I was crying from laughter and it was a nice distraction from the grapevine traffic that normally freaks me out.

I worry I gained a few pounds from my less strict holiday diet, but I am not going to weigh myself for now, concentrating on getting back on track and getting some good exercise in. I may start walking to the school as soon as I get home, and perhaps just take a longer route to get there so I can walk a little more.

Saturday is Bobby’s last soccer day. We have a game at 9 am, and if he wins, one at 1. Either way, it is the last day. It is a bittersweet feeling.

I am too distracted for some reason this morning, so I am not making any sense. LOL!

Papa Brenan has suggested I write a book kind of how I write my blog. He said I could pick some particular events and make that my story. I may need to consider this.

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