Thursday, November 10, 2011

The big appointment


YAY! It is endocrinologist day! I know, most people would not be this jazzed, but I am excited. These are all steps to making me awesome.

I do notice some of the weight loss. Sure, clothing fits better and all that jazz, but I noticed my arm flab is better. I do arm exercises on the weights at my folks’ and yesterday I did a bunch of boxing. I need to tone the arms since I am already doing so much on my legs. Next step is to start trying some sit ups.

When we go up to the Compound, we may go into town to meet with the podiatrist dude that my MIL knows that can measure my foot and recommend shoes. Apparently he is very good, so this may allow me some insight on some good cross trainers.

I got a message today on Facebook from Angela’s brother! I had friended him since I noted he was online now. He accepted and sent me a note saying, Hello, Chipmunk! So awesome that he remembers me and my old nickname he gave me. Love it! Clearly Dax’s cheeks came from me.

21 weeks have passed since the call. I miss him today.

When I walk intensely with my arms swinging a lot, my twitches seem to go away.

4 cups of green tea can do things to the mind.

I am all over the map this morning. Finding random trivia online, shopping, looking at political news. It is all kinds of honked up.

Is it wrong to say “suck it” to your kids when they were wrong?

Apparently my mother randomly turned to my dad recently and said, “If Gena moves, we will have to, also.” If I want to keep my childhood home I have to not move.

Crud, it sounds like I need to get trophies.

I have to go book a bowling party tonight.

I have a headache.

Let us have marijuana. California can make so dang much money from it, and really, it isn’t worse than booze and cigarettes.

I want to clean up the school.

I want new curtains for the living room.

I want to get Ken an iPad.

The plus of us taking our Wii up to the Compound is that we bring the boys’ tv shows with us thanks to Netflix.

Holy crap I am finding lots of streaming things I am wanting to watch.

I am very proud of my MIL. She said there will be a giant Thanksgiving feast, including a turkey. She said anyone who doesn’t want to eat that can bring their own food, just don’t plan on cooking it in her kitchen since she will be using her kitchen that day. Bobby will be excited since he is really looking forward to turkey.

I may need to invest in some smaller shirts.

I need to bathe my dogs.

I kind of want to take Tonks up with us for Thanksgiving, but I think she would not like it.

Luna is going to have so much fun up there this time. They got a new 18 month old pup named Bella. Bella and Luna will have a lot of energy to burn together!

I get to leave soon. YAY!

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